
Small Node transcoding service to process uploaded videos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Video transcoding server

A NodeJS Express service to transcode video files


  • Accepts any video input with auto specs detection (file type, content-type, codecs, containers, size, compressor, colors, dimensions - only works with no protected/encrypted files)
  • Creates a high compatibility .mp4 file output with good/balanced video and audio quality, dimension and file size
  • Queue/stack sequential background jobs based in Bull + Redis
  • Internal super simple sqlite database to keep the conversions status and history
  • Uses very useful libs (Babel, Nodemon, CORS, fluent-ffmpeg, Multer, Dotenv, Sequelize)
  • Based on widely used FFmpeg media encoder lib (using fluent-ffmpeg as a NodeJS wrapper)
  • Promise based callbacks to ensure reliability


  • Docker server
  • Node & npm
  • Some free disk space


  • Clone repo
  • cd video-service + npm i
  • docker-compose up --build
  • Default port is 8899


  • GET localhost:8899/conversions/ - Returns all conversions saved in DB (JSON)
    "id": <Int>,
    "filePath": "files/1574097740389_file_example_MOV_1280_1_4MB.mov",
    "convertedFilePath": "1574097740389_file_example_MOV_1280_1_4MB_1574100138423.mp4",
    "outputFormat": "mp4",
    "status": "pending",
    "createdAt": "2019-11-18T17:22:20.477Z",
    "updatedAt": "2019-11-18T18:02:31.874Z"

  • POST localhost:8899/conversions/ - Send the video file to the server and creates a new job
POST /conversions/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8899
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="video"; filename="<FILE_TO_UPLOAD_PATH>"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="outputFormat"; VALUE="<OUTPUT_FORMAT>" // Default .mp4

  • GET localhost:8899/conversions/start/:id - Start the job/video encoding of given id (Returns a processing status object with a HTTP 200 if queue and video encoding process were created successfully)
    "id": <given_id>,
    "filePath": "files/1574097740389_file_example_MOV_1280_1_4MB.mov",
    "convertedFilePath": "1574097740389_file_example_MOV_1280_1_4MB_1574100138423.mp4",
    "outputFormat": "mp4",
    "status": "processing",
    "createdAt": "2019-11-18T17:22:20.477Z",
    "updatedAt": "2019-11-18T18:02:31.874Z"

  • DELETE localhost:8899/conversions/:id - Deletes the job with the given ID along with the original and converted file of the job

  • PUT localhost:8899/conversions/cancel/:id - Sets job status to cancelled (keeps the original file)


  • [service] Change the upload behavior to a URL source reading (from S3)
  • [service] Integrate the service with AWS S3 to read the video attachment and replace it with the converted media (lowest service and user impact)
  • [mobile] Handle media incompatible callback from video player to show "Video is processing" message to user