
model etcd-kubernetes-docker cloud

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Kubernetes - OpenStack - Terraform

Deploy your Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack using Terraform.

On Mac

With brew installed, all tools can be installed with

brew install terraform cfssl kubectl

Do all the following steps from a development machine. It does not matter where is it, as long as it is connected to the internet. This one will be subsequently used to access the cluster via kubectl.

Generate private / public keys

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

The system will prompt you for a file path to save the key, we will go with secrets/id_rsa

Invoke Terraform

We put our OpenStack credentials in provisioner.tf (this directory is in .gitignore, of course, so we don't leak it)

After setup, call terraform apply

terraform apply

That should do! kubectl is configured, so you can just check the nodes (get no) and the pods (get po).

$ kubectl get no
NAME          LABELS                               STATUS
X.X.X.X   kubernetes.io/hostname=X.X.X.X   Ready     2m
Y.Y.Y.Y   kubernetes.io/hostname=Y.Y.Y.Y   Ready     2m

$ kubectl --namespace=kube-system get po
NAME                                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-apiserver-X.X.X.X                    1/1       Running   0          13m
kube-controller-manager-X.X.X.X           1/1       Running   0          12m
kube-proxy-X.X.X.X                        1/1       Running   0          12m
kube-proxy-X.X.X.X                        1/1       Running   0          11m
kube-proxy-X.X.X.X                        1/1       Running   0          12m
kube-scheduler-X.X.X.X                    1/1       Running   0          13m

You are good to go. Now, we can keep on reading to dive into the specifics.

Deploy details

These scripts are mostly taken from the CoreOS + Kubernetes Step by Step guide, with the addition of SSL/TLS and client certificate authentication for etcd2.

Certificate generation is covered in more detail by CoreOS's Generate self-signed certificates documentation.

These resources are excellent starting places for more in-depth documentation. Below is an overview of the cluster.

K8s etcd

A dedicated host running a TLS secured + authenticated etcd2 instance for Kubernetes.

Cloud config

See the template 00-etcd.yaml.

K8s master

The cluster master, running:

  • flanneld
  • kubelet
  • kube-proxy
  • kube-apiserver
  • kube-controller-manager
  • kube-scheduler

Cloud config

See the template 01-master.yaml.


Once we create this instance (and get its IP), the TLS assets will be created locally (i.e. on the development machine from which we run terraform), and put into the directory secrets (which, again, is mentioned in .gitignore). The TLS assets consist of a server key and certificate for the API server, as well as a client key and certificate to authenticate flanneld and the API server to etcd2.

The TLS assets are copied to appropriate directories on the K8s master using Terraform file and remote-exec provisioners.

Lastly, we start and enable both kubelet and flanneld, and finally create the kube-system namespace.

K8s workers

Cluster worker nodes, each running:

  • flanneld
  • kubelet
  • kube-proxy
  • docker

Cloud config

See the template 02-worker.yaml.


For each instance created, a TLS client key and certificate will be created locally (i.e. on the development machine from which we run terraform), and put into the directory secrets (which, again, is mentioned in .gitignore).

The TLS assets are then copied to appropriate directories on the worker using Terraform file and remote-exec provisioners.

Finally, we start and enable kubelet and flanneld.

Setup kubectl

After the installation is complete, terraform will configure kubectl for you. The environment variables will be stored in the file secrets/setup_kubectl.sh.

Test your brand new cluster

kubectl get nodes

You should get something similar to

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME          LABELS                               STATUS
X.X.X.X       kubernetes.io/hostname=X.X.X.X       Ready