projects for AI class
Developed an AI to play a version of connect 4, called connect N, where the board and number of pieces in a row to win were variable.
Developed a neural net using the python packagae keras to classify data from the MNIST handwritten numbers data set.
Using a data set of states of connect 4 boards at 8 moves into the game as well as the winner of the game I developed a set features to extract from the boards. The features were then used to develop a decision tree classifier to predict the winner of a connect 4 game given a random state.
Developed code in python to solve a constraint satisfaction problem which required bags of certain sizes to be filled with items with certain constraints. This was done using backtracking, forward-checking and heuristics to solve the problems presented.
Developed code in python to create a Bayes net and sample it to determine the probability of a given query node.