This application is a tool used by Marketplacer to allocate GitHub Pull Request reviews to peers.
$ docker-compose up -d
Install all the python deps
$ python -mvenv .venv
$ . .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install
Create a database if necessary
$ psql -h localhost -U postgres template1 -e 'CREATE DATABASE slacker_dev'
Create the schema
$ alembic upgrade head
$ python
$ FLASK_APP=slacker.webapp flask run
It runs on localhost:5000
$ pytest
First, run the tests with coverage enabled
$ ./script/ci/
On linux
$ xdg-open htmlcov/index.html
$ open htmlcov/index.html
On windows, probably (update this doc if I'm wrong please)
$ edge htmlcov/index.html
The bot (and the webapp) access github PR data by using a "Personal
Access Token". You should generate your own and put it in .env
. You
will need to select the scopes repo
, read:project
and read:user
The bot (and the webapp) access slack by using both a bot token and a web app token. To test things locally, you will need to create your own application definition as well as having admin on a slack workspace in order to add the app to it. I suggest creating your own free tier slack workspace for that.
You will need to configure the application definition.
In "Settings >> Socket Mode", you need to tick the "Enable Socket Mode" option.
In "Features >> Interactivity & Shortcuts", you need to add a shortcut with Name: Review, Short Description: Request a PR Review, Callback ID: review
In "Features >> Event Subscriptions", you need to subscribe to
- message.channels
- message.groups
In "Features >> OAuth & Permissions >> Bot Token Scopes" section, you will need the following:
- channels:history
- channels:read
- chat:write
- commands
- groups:history
- groups:read
- im:history
- im:read
- mpim:history
- mpim:read
- users:read