
Afpd docker image using netatalk

Primary LanguageShell


A lightweight Docker container serving AppleTalk Filing Protocol.

Configure users

Users are setup using two files: names and users.

The names file should mounted to /names and have the following format:

username:full name
username:full name

The users file should mounted to /users and have the following format (as expected by chpasswd):

username:<password hash>
username:<password hash>

Password hashes can be created with mkpasswd.

Configuring Shares

Shares can be configured by mounting an afpd.conf file into /usr/local/etc/afp.conf.

Documentation for the afpd.conf can be found in Netatalk's documentation.


Ports 548 is exposed and should be mounted to the host ports


    docker run --detach
               -v /path/to/local/afpd.conf:/usr/local/etc/afp.conf
               -p 548:548