
fish shell config files

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


These are configuration files for fish and an "ideal" terminal setup according to my needs. What comes with what I like? A nice looking terminal -which the prompt pure will provide- and good-enough configurations.

This repository comes with a simple install.sh script that as the name says so it'll take care of installing the required packages in macOS with brew or in a linux distro that has either: apt, apk, xbps-install or pacman (in which case it'll install yay and use that to install things, using AURs if needed).


Clone into your terminal:

foo@bar:~$ git clone git://github.com/nrxr/fishfiles.git \

Have an interpreter for sh.


Run on a sh-compatible terminal:

foo@bar:~$ ./install.sh

This will install (hopefully) rcm if you don't have it and then configure everything with it using the tag fish.

If you want to update, then pull from the git repository and run the install.sh script again.

What comes with this configuration

  • fish

  • pure prompt

  • set of basic envs on ~/.config/fish/envs:

    set -x EDITOR 'nvim'
    set -x TERM 'xterm-256color-italic'
    set -x PAGER 'less -r'
    set -x GO111MODULE on
  • support for private envs in ~/.config/fish/private, it expects them in the fish fashion so set -Ux NAME 'value'. Values I save there are things like GOPRIVATE and such.

  • support for private envs based on current directory in ~/.config/fish/private_variable_dirs. Example:

    set --erase NPM_TOKEN
    if string match -q --regex 'code\/src\/github\.com\/nrxr' $PWD
     set -gx NPM_TOKEN a-valid-token

Installing the nvim configuration files with rcm

rcup -d $HOME/code/src/github.com/nrxr/fishfiles \
  -v -t fish \
  -x README*.md -x LICENSE -x pre-setup.sh -x install.sh


© 2019-2020, nrxr <nrxr@disroot.org>. Released under the MIT license terms.