
A robust, minimal-server-interaction API for peer routing in the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Robust, minimal-server-interaction peer routing in the browser

What is this?

Membrane takes signalling to the browser, creating living peer networks. After just one server-based signal, a node never again needs centrality. The network acts as one giant signaling membrane, connecting far-flung peers at a whim. So long as a node remains a part of the network, it has full contact with every participant. Meanwhile, the network actively stabilizes around each new member, ensuring that severed connections will not damage the network nor cut off nodes, and allowing for an overall seamless "immediate-access-to-anyone" experience.

Taken from Membranexus.com, which was built using Membrane

Membrane leverages the RTCPeerConnection API's agnosticism regarding signaling. You could just as well communicate ICE connectivity data through smoke signals or quantum teleportation (if only), as through a conventional signalling server. That's profound; we forced to use this terribly unreliable, centralized approach. With membrane, just one server-based signal opens an entire realm of peers; each membrane is a single, behemoth router. Distant, unconnected members can exchange arbitrary data in milliseconds, with no clumsy intermediary server, nor any risk of downtime.

To be clear, however, this approach is not perfect. The boon of decentralization may in fact be this project's worst enemy. No singular, trusted ledger to authenticate peers means spoofing, posing, and general manipulation are elementary.

In brief, this tool is robustly functional at enabling anonymous, homogeneous, untrusted data exchange across a network, but poor at most else.

NOTE: The module can currently only be used once built/integrated from raw source; however, an official npm package is in the works.

Installation and Integation

Installing the Demo or Building From Source


  • npm
  • npx
  • node.js

Paste the following commands into a terminal to build a complete directory structure, then install and initialize the demo on anywhere with the prerequisities installed.

curl -LJo Membrane-current.tar.gz https://github.com/Elijah-Bodden/Membrane/tarball/v1.0.5
tar xfv Membrane-current.tar.gz --transform 's!^[^/]\+\($\|/\)!Membrane-current\1!'
cd Membrane-current/src/source/frontend
npm install
cd ../server
npm install
npm run deploy
rm ../../../../Membrane-current.tar.gz

To kill the pm2 daemon created by npm run deploy, run npm run kill.

However, although this demo functions, this does not mean it should be used in production. It is a quick-and-dirty demonstration of the library's promise, and is not made for any serious scalable production situation. quoting ./src/source/frontend's "PLEASENOTE.md",

Excluding the included lib code, the vast majority of the code within this directory and its descendants should never see the light of serious production. It was hastily coded to fit its closed use case. This is nothing more than a demo of the library—far out-of-scope of this project's goal. Please do not treat it as a true part of Membrane. The project begins and ends at lib.
TL;DR: This code is a great risk to the performance and stability of your frontend. Unlike lib, it was not intended as a viable product, and shouldn't be used like one.

Deploying a New Signalling Server

Installing the pre-made server from /src/source/server/index.noStatic.js is a piece of cake! Simply enter the following into a terminal while in the root of your node project, sit back, and relax while the project installs.

npm i membrane-server

Then, to deploy the server over pm2 onto websocket port 8777, enter npm explore membrane-server -- npm run deploy. Simmilarly, to kill the instance created by this command, run npm explore membrane-server -- npm run kill. Now just remember to replace the signalling addresses in your lib script's config with your new server's, and you're ready to go.

Custom Applications

Using the vanilla lib module in a custom use-case is relatively simple. Here is an overview of the typical integration process. First, find the delivery method you like below, then, after you've completed its unique instructions, head down below to the general next steps

Delivery Vector Instructions
npm + Webpack Run npm install @elijah-bodden/membrane | cd node-modules/elijah-bodden/membrane in the root of your webpack project
HTML script tag Enter your project's static file directory, find where you'd like to store the script, then run wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elijah-Bodden/Membrane/main/lib/index.js -o membrane.min.js. Then insert within your HTML head the following tag: <script src="/path/to/membrane.min.js"/>. From here, return to the folder where you installed the script and follow the instructions found after this table
Jsdelivr CDN (not recommended) With this method, you will not need to follow the general instruction which come after the table; however, you will be stuck with the default config and every peer request will be accepted by default. If you wish to proceed, knowing this, simply prepend the following tag to your HTML head's contents. <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@elijah-bodden/membrane/index.min.js"


  1. (optionally) Modify your script's CONFIG.communication.configLoaderFunction as needed in this form.
  2. (optionally) Create a CONFIG.communication.routeAcceptHeuristic either statically in defaultConfig or dynamically at runtime through CONFIG.constants.configLoadFunction. If you want to allow the user to explicitly accept certain routes, you can include an awaited async function which fetches user responses.

At this stage, the script should be capable of standalone function. To verify, serve several instances of it into any relatively-recent window-based environment (i.e. a browser) with the default server. If an instance's livePeers variable contains at least one Object, everything's working.
Then, to interact with the modlue:

  • Use negotiateAgnosticAuthRoute on members of Object.keys(networkMap.nodes) to authenticate arbitrary nodes.
  • Use * Authenticated Peer *.standardSend("consumable", *arbitrary data*) to send consumable data to authenticated peers.
  • Define an output for consumable data with onConsumableAuth((_dontUse, data) => {* useData *(data)}).
  • Provide initial connect and reconnect websocket urls in CONFIG.serverLink.
  • Set up a signaling server with the appropriate endpoints and exchange methods (or use the included one)


Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated. If you want to see this project grow as much as I do, there are several ways to help. Firstly, if you see something you think you can improve within the code, please fork the repository and make a pull request once you have made any changes you'd like to see. If you just have an idea, or spot a bug, that's great too! In this case, please file an issue with a corresponding bug or enhancement tag. Oh, and if you like what you see here, please feel free to leave a star on the project, it would mean a ton to me.



This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Built With

  • The core module - 100% Vanilla.js. Additionally, check out kNow, which I spun off of the homebrew event handler made for use in Membrane.
  • Frontend - Standard HTML/SCSS/JS, plus Sigma.js+Graphology to power the gorgeous network visualization graph (and a pinch of Font Awesome for icons)
  • Backend - JS on node using, most notably, Winston Logger for logging and WS as a WebSocket server


Elijah Bodden - elijahbodden@protonmail.com / admin@membranexus.com
Project - https://github.com/Elijah-Bodden/Membrane