
This is a TYPO3 extension, which provides a plugin for integration of GPXViewer from Jürgen Berkemeier.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a TYPO3 extension, which provides a plugin for integration of GPXViewer from Jürgen Berkemeier.

What does it do?

With including the GPXViewer javascript one can display GPX tracks, routes, waypoints in Google Maps or Openstreetmap. Please refer to the GPXViewer website for more informations about the features of GPXViewer.

This extension/plugin for TYPO3 integrate most of the features of GPXViewer. For some examples please refer to my website. I will also try to do some documentation for the use of the extension there.

What prerequisites are needed?

  • TYPO3 9.5.x or above.
  • The bootstrap_package is highly recommended. I only use the extension/plugin with the bootstrap_package and it's ScssPHP compiler and therefore the layout might be broken if you don't.
  • For some features you need exiftool installed on your server.
  • Probably you need API keys for use of Google maps or OSM. Find more information about API keys here.
  • You don't necessarily need GPX files, you even can create a GPXViewer content element and add your own waypoints or waypoint images with GPS coordinates. You need to know the coordinates from another source. This extension does not provide a way to determine GPS coordinates from a map.
  • Commercial use of GPXViewer of Jürgen Berkemeier is restricted. Read more about this and other restrictions here.
  • The use of this TYPO3 extension is only restricted insofar as GPXViewer and other provided resources are underlying restrictions.

How to set up?

  • Download and install the extension wok_gpxviewer.
  • Create a new page in TYPO3 backend or edit an existing one.
  • Create an extension template for that page or edit an existing template and "Include static (from extensions)" for GPXViewer (wok_gpxviewer).
  • Change to Constant Editor and edit the settings for GPXViewer if needed.
  • Now you can create a content element of type plugin and then select GPXViewer tracks display.
  • In the tab Plug-in you are able to add GPX files for display in the frontend. There are several tabs with settings to explore. Hopefully most of them are self explaining. If not, don't hesitate to contact me (see below).

How can you give your feedback

  • I would like to hear from you, how you're using the extension and what can be improved.
    • You can write me a mail, see my website for contact data.
    • You can add issues or pull requests on github.


  • Check button formatting for imgdivs: perhaps change to a tag? This would mean changes in the javascript too.
  • Check CSS file option and update CSS file
  • Map+imgdiv+profiles: Some minor problems in display
  • make each map/imgdiv/profiles scaleable from backend
  • more examples
  • more documentation
  • create TER version
  • make extension compatible to extension_builder