
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

To use the EDA.ipynb file, please first edit the configs/config_seamer.py file with the correct path to the dataset.


You can download the dataset from here: https://zenodo.org/record/4610859 . SkeletonData.zip contains a collection of .csv files, each file representing one gesture repetition and it is the input data used in EDA.ipynb

Sample Gesture Data Files

You can find some sample gesture data files in this folder on google drive (the full dataset can be found on Zenodo - link given above): Sample Gesture Data Files

License and Citation

The code in this repository is free and can as desired under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

Please cite the following paper:

AUTHOR = {Miron, Alina and Sadawi, Noureddin and Ismail, Waidah and Hussain, Hafez and Grosan, Crina},
TITLE = {IntelliRehabDS (IRDS)—A Dataset of Physical Rehabilitation Movements},
JOURNAL = {Data},
VOLUME = {6},
YEAR = {2021},
NUMBER = {5},
URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5729/6/5/46},
ISSN = {2306-5729},
DOI = {10.3390/data6050046}

Link to the Paper:

IntelliRehabDS (IRDS)—A Dataset of Physical Rehabilitation Movements

Gesture Details:

Gesture Details