

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This Assignment is divided in to two parts

  1. Backend 2.Frontend


I have created backend in Express.js,MongoDB(database) and I have followed MVC(Model View Controller) pattern
Folder Structure:


               1.postControllers.js(contains the logic for handling requests related to the Post model)
               2. userController.js(contains the logic for handling requests related to the User model)

database ---------

                1.db.js(This file contains the configuration for connecting to the MongoDB database.)

models------------1.Post.model.js(This file contains the definition for the Post model,including its fields and their types.)

                2.User.model.js(This file contains the definition for the User model, including its fields and their types.)


               1.apiRoute.js(This file contains all the routes related to usr and post)
               2.postsRoutes.js(This file defines the routes for the Post model)
               3.userRoutes.js(This file defines the routes for the User model)


               (This file is the main entry point for the application, where you initialize the Express app, connect to the database, and register the routes )

#Deployment of backend : I have deployed my backend to render.com

1.Deployment Link : https://backend-2k1s.onrender.com

2.routes :

         1. To get All users : /users

         2. To get perticular /users/:id
         3. To get all posts , create a post  :/posts 
         4. To get perticular post , delete , update :/users/:id

#Frontend :

For frontend I have used React.js ,React-Bootstrap(css library)

Folder Structure :


               1. AllRoute.jsx (All routes related to my app)


               1.Navbar.jsx(Logic related to Navbar)
               2.PostList.jsx(To list all the post created)
               3.userForm.jsx(Form to create user)
               4.UserList.jsx(To show all the users list)


               1.AnalyticsPage.jsx(This file contain list of all users with Edit and Delete Functionality)
               2.CreatePosts.jsx(To create posts)
               3.HomePage.jsx(To show all posts with like and unlike functionality)
               4.UserPage.jsx(To create user)

Deployment: For frontend I have used Netlify to deploy my app

Deployment Link: https://adobe-r1-assignment.netlify.app

#Flow of the app

1.Homepage : Here you can see all the posts with like and unlike functionality ,Time when post created

2.Create account : Here you will get a form to create user and after creating user you will redirect to posts page

3.All Posts : Here you will get a form to create post as well as you will see all posts with delete and edit functionality

4.Analytics : Here you will see All the users with edit and delete functionality with toatal number


image (26)

                                                      Create Account 

image (27)


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