
NowDigitalEasy Assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NowdigitalEasy Assignment

Deployed Link Of Assignment:


Tech-Stack Used: ReactJs, react-router dom, Material UI , CSS

This assignment have 4 components

1. Navbar
  1. Home

  2. SinglePost

  3. Favourite


The Navbar section has 2 buttons Home and Favourite with one Heart Symbol which shows the count of Favourite posts

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The home page has the list of all posts I have used this API https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com to fetch posts. every post has an Add to Favourite button clicking on the post will add to the favourite I have used LocalStorage to store the favourite post.

It also has the pagination feature which shows 10posts per page I have used Mui Pagination Component.

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By clicking on post text on the Home page you will be redirected to that post. this page contains one image and post data and also has Add to Favourite button

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On this page you will be able to see all the favourite posts you have added.

I have also added the remove post from the favourite button which removes the post from the favourite and redirects to the home page

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