
First repository

Primary LanguagePython

Setting Sublime Text for Python Development

Install the subl command line tool

  • copy subl.exe to a folder included in the system path.

from C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3 to C:\Windows\System32

Install Package Control

To begin taking advantage of the various packages for extending Sublime’s functionality, you need to manually install the package manager called Package Control. Once you have it installed, you can use it to install, remove, and upgrade all other ST3 packages.

  • To install, copy the Python code for Sublime Text 3 found here. Click View > Show Console to open the ST3 console. Paste the code into the console. Press Enter. Reboot ST3.
  • You can now install packages by using the keyboard shortcut Cmd+Shift+P. Start typing install until Package Control: Install Package appears. Press Enter and search for available packages.