
Non-browser parts of obli2

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

obli (cli)

Before, you might have had to run two separate servers to give obli all the functionality it needed. Obli 2 plans to eliminate that.

Feature Wishlist

  1. Cleaner UI
  2. Server-side modules should be able to be written in any language
  3. Command line-centric interface (both server and browser are started/stopped from the command line)


For this to compile, your system will need the following:

  1. libgit2 (tested with v1.0.1)
  2. WebDriver for your browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) NOTE: Chrome is highly recommended, as this is what we test on
  3. upx (when building dist only)

How To Build

You can build this by running make or make dist (which will strip debug information and compress the daemon executable).