
This repo has details on how to set up to have a better touchpad experience in Linux

Touchpad Gestures for Linux

A better trackpad experience in Linux using fusuma. Supports multi-finger touch gestures, pinch in and out just like windows track pad.


  • Check if user is a part of the current input group

sudo gpasswd -a $USER input

  • Log in and out after this step.

  • Install some necessary tools:

sudo apt install libinput-tools
sudo apt install xdotool

  • Ruby is required for this to work:

sudo apt install ruby

  • Then install fusuma

sudo gem install fusuma

The config file, by default is located in /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/fusuma-1.10.1/lib/fusuma/config.yml

A config file that mimics Windows-Trackpad features is given as an example in this repository as the config.yml file. (This file was written for UBUNTU 20.04)

  • After changing the config file as required, the program can be started by using sudo fusuma.

To enable it as an startup aplication in ubuntu, add fusumaas a new startup program in the Ubuntu startup applications

For more information refer to: https://github.com/iberianpig/fusuma/

Credits: Kohei Yamada.