
HR management Systems | HR Dashboard: Take a look at its Figma UI : https://www.figma.com/file/WqeoZxmamJFpsOoaoFU3hQ/HR-Management-System?type=design&node-id=1%3A912&mode=design&t=JGl67fCkTZ1QysuJ-1

Primary LanguageTypeScript

HR Management System

Welcome to the HR Management System, a comprehensive dashboard designed to streamline the management of candidates, jobs, and meetings. This project leverages the power of Vite, TypeScript, Sass, and Bootstrap to create a responsive, efficient, and user-friendly experience.


For a detailed view of the project's design, check out our Figma design.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. Follow these steps to set up your local development environment.


To run this project locally, you'll need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. The project was built using Node.js [Version X.XX.X] - It's recommended to use a similar version to avoid compatibility issues.


  1. Clone the repository and install the dependencies

    First, clone the GitHub repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/nsanzimfura-eric/hr-management-system.git
    cd hr-management-system
    npm i

### Running the Project

1. **Start your app**

 Then, do:

 npm run dev

to Run the app in the dev mode

  1. Build the app

You can do:

npm run build

to build the app.


  • Distributed under the MIT License.


Tools used to build the projects:

  • Vite
  • TypeScript
  • Sass
  • Bootstrap
  • Material UI (MUI)