
Insight Project Repo

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SwitchOut for Neural Machine Translation (InsightAI Project)


Lack of sufficient labeled training datat often leads to poor neural networks performance. Data augmentation techniques, such as SwitchOut, can be used to boost model performance without incurring the time and cost to label more examples. SwitchOut is also interesting because it can potentially be adapted to other tasks, such as sentiment analysis, by modifying the existing implementation to only augment text and leave the labels unchanged.

This repository contains an implementation of Switchout applied to train the Transfomer model described in Attention is All You Need. The transformer model used here is adapted from The Annotated Transformer. We follow the set up described there to run the code on a p3.8xlarge AWS instance.

Requisites and Instructions to get started

Clone the repository


Create a virutal environment and add the required packages

Create and activate the python virtual environment

conda create -n switchout_venv python=3.6 anaconda
source activate switchout_venv

It's recommended that you use the version of PyTorch listed below. The code will run significantly slower on AWS p3.8xlarge instances if you use the same version of pytorch (0.3.0.post4) compiled with earlier version of CUDA. Newer version of pytorch might require some code modifications in the training (train.py) as well as the model (transformer.py) file.

pip install http://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu90/torch-0.3.0.post4-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl

Other packages

pip install numpy matplotlib spacy torchtext


The dataset used to train and test the model is the German(de) to English(en) [IWSLT dataset] (https://torchtext.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datasets.html#iwslt) available with torchtext. This is also one of the datasets used by the authors to test SwitchOut. When you start training from the first time, the dataset will be downnloaded and pre-processed in the .data folder and will be available for training in subsequent sessions.

Training and Inference

To train the model and then perform inference, simply run:

python train.py

Run Inference

At this time, training and inference occurs in the same (train.py) file. See the traning and inference section above. I am planning create a separate file, translate.py, to run inference from the command line using pre-trained copies of the model.

Next Steps

The repository in its current form demonstartes SwitchOut implemented for the Transformer. Time permitting, it'll be interesting to try matching all the training conditions in the original paper and see if this model can match the published results.


I would like to thank my technical advisors at Insight Emmanuel Ameisen, Matt Rubashkin and Ming Zhao for their help in scoping the project, getting started with AWS and figuring out the technical choices to complete the first iteration in time. It was also great to have access multi-GPU AWS instances from Insight that helped speed up the development/testing process. I would also like to thank one of the authors, Hieu Pham, for answering some of my early questions about their implementation.