
HTTP load simulator API

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Storm is a test project through which I intend to learn about Elixir & Phoenix.


Storm is a REST API to setup & execute HTTP load simulation.

Example use cases:

  • Simulating user traffic on a staging application.
  • Load testing

Getting started

$ git clone git@github.com:nsarno/storm.git
$ cd storm/
$ mix deps.get
$ mix phoenix.server

The server is up and running at

$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
connection: keep-alive
server: Cowboy

Run the tests

$ mix test


Storm is composed of three distinct parts:


A typical REST API that allows users to do things like sign up, create and manage projects etc.


  • The relevant code can be found in web/
  • The web/router.ex is an excellent place to start to understand what it's possible to do with the API.

2. Processing

The processing part is the main element of Storm. This is what is in charge of executing all the HTTP request configured by a user.

It's itself composed of two modules:

a. Spawner

Spawner has only one role: to spawn worker for every mission of each project. It's started by Quantum every minutes.


  • The Quantum configuration is in config/config.exs
  • lib/storm/spawner.ex

b. Worker

A worker is going to hit every target of a given mission one after the other to simulate the traffic of a visitor on the user's targeted website.

The Spawner only spawns 1 worker per mission. But a mission can be configured to be executed n times per minute to simulate (+/-) heavy traffic. In that case a worker will replicate itself n-times.

So a worker always execute 1 mission, but it can spawn N other workers to execute the same mission.


  • lib/storm/worker.ex

3. Metrics!

It's more fun with data!

HTTPoison is used to execute the HTTP requests. HTTPoison is powered by the erlang library Hackney.

Fortunately, it's possible to enable metrics collection with Hackney by configuring it to use our metrics module implementation inconfig/config.exs:

config :hackney, mod_metrics: Storm.Metrics.Hackney

To be able to link metrics with their targets of origin, we use a CompletionBucket. A completion bucket allows a worker to register itself and provide a completion callback before firing an HTTP request. Then upon receiving the metrics from Hackney, it pops itself from the bucket and execute the callback.

The storage of the metrics is not yet implemented, but this is where it would be implemented. At the moment, the callback provided only outputs the result.


  • lib/storm/metrics/hackney.ex
  • lib/storm/metrics/completion_bucket.ex
  • lib/storm/worker.ex in the hit_target/2 function