
Powerful HALD <-> LUT converter

Primary LanguagePython


A very complete and simple script to resize or convert your CLUT images to CUBE format and viceversa.

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  • Auto-detect input format
  • Auto-resize not perfect square LUT size(example #33, #17...)
  • Flip RGB values
  • Change size and shape of your LUT (example Spark AR LUTs to Lens Studio 1x16 LUTs)
  • Generate identity CLUT
  • Read all types of CLUT
  • Two type of interpolation: Tetrahedral or Nearest
    Square one-row:


  • Python 3
  • Numpy
  • Pillow
$ pip install numpy pillow


$ LUTify.py -h
usage: LUTify.py [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output OUTPUT]
                      [--format {hald,square}] [--identity] [--size SIZE]
                      [--method {nearest,tetrahedral}] [--rows ROWS] [--flip]
  • -i INPUT/-o OUTPUT supports .CUBE, .PNG, .JPG, .TIFF
  • -id IDENTITY generate a CLUT identity
  • -f FORMAT "hald" or "square", override default output:
    • if output is CUBE or "identity", default format is "hald"
    • if input is CUBE and output is image the default format is "hald"
    • if input is image and output is image default format will be automatically determinated as the opposite of the input format.
  • -s SIZE choose your CLUT size or LUT size overriding input value.
  • -m METHOD the method of interpolation when resizing between "tetrahedral"(default) and "nearest"
  • -r ROWS number of rows when output is square
  • -ud FLIP flip upside down RGB values


If you would like to convert your Spark AR LUTs to Lens Studio:

$ LUTify.py -i "SparkAR_SQUARE.png" -o "LensStudio_SQUARE.png" -s 4 -r 1 -f square --flip