
AWS commandline tools

Primary LanguageGo

Cloud Tools

This repo contains and describes the tools you are expected to have installed and set up before embarking on the adventure that is working with infrastructure or deploying to the cloud.

The terraform-wrapper is a wrapper for Terraform. It's purpose is to:

  • read values for secret variables from pass
  • set up environment variables
  • run custom commands (for example to dynamically generate more variables)
  • run terraform passing along any arguments

First time setup

Install Terraform

Use the latest point release of Terraform 12 (change below)

brew install tfenv
tfenv install 0.12.20

Install Go

brew install go

Create a new folder /go alongside the rest of your Vy repos. Add the following to your .bashrc

export GOPATH=<path-to-where-you-keep-all-your-vy-repos>/go
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
export PATH

Set up developer environment

source ~/.bashrc
mkdir -p $GOPATH/{bin,pkg,src/github.com/nsbno,vendor}
go get github.com/nsbno/cloud-tools # Ignore the warning message
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/nsbno/cloud-tools

Install additional tools

brew install s3cmd jq
sudo easy_install pip
pip install ansible --user

Note: It is better to install ansible with pip rather than with brew. This way ansible is available to Python when running certain scripts for getting dynamic inventory when provisioning.

Test it!

Run the following commands in a terraform base directory to check if it works.

envchain aws terraform-wrapper init
envchain aws terraform-wrapper plan


Configure using a file named cloud-config.yml. See this file from booking for an example: https://github.com/nsbno/booking/blob/master/terraform/test1/cloud-config.yml

Pagerduty API token

Some of the Terraform-modules require access to the Pagerduty REST API. To copy the access token into your envchain namespace, run this command:

$ pass git pull && (pass show vy/pagerduty/apitoken | envchain -s aws PAGERDUTY_TOKEN)

The tools has borrowed a lot from: https://github.com/digipost/cloud-tools