
GoProjectHub.com website for student-faculty collaboration

Primary LanguageJavaScript


UPDATE: ProjectHub is no longer operational as of 09-2018. Talk to @nsbradford or @benbianchi

Visit us at https://www.goprojecthub.com


Why ProjectHub?


ProjectHub started in 2017 to connect collaborators on all kinds of projects: startups, academic projects, research, and more.

Currently, students or professors trying to find interesting work or recruit teammates are limited to spamming large email aliases and hoping for the best. That's terrible for everyone; you're inundated with irrelevant material, and there's no searchable centralized repository for when you decide to go looking.

Instead, ProjectHub provides a simple, generic, and flexible platform where anyone can search for projects or collaborators.

Our plan

Short-term, this site provides a service to the WPI community for all kinds of projects, including both students and professors. The Dean's office, Department Heads, some Trustees, and others are on board and excited about this. Long-term, we'll be expanding other other schools to build a valuable network of collaborators.



We're looking for additional developers - we use {Heroku, Django, Angular} but no prior experience necessary - all you'll need to do is complete the Django+Angular tutorials and you'll be ready to go in a couple hours.


Create a Python virtual environment, install bower components, instantiate the database, and start the dev server.

$ sudo -s
$ source scripts/setup.sh

Or manually:

  $ virtualenv env
  $ source env/bin/activate
  $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  $ npm install -g bower
  $ npm install
  $ bower install
  $ python manage.py migrate
  $ python manage.py loaddata majors
  $ python manage.py loaddata tags

For it to fully work, you'll need to define your own components/settings_dev.py file based off components/settings_dev_template.py with sensitive data (SECRET_KEY, database/email passwords, etc.) that you don't want committed to source control. The you can run the dev server:

$ python manage.py runserver


Django/Python Tests

Run all Django tests:

$ ./manage.py test

Run a specific test class or function:

$ ./manage.py test tests.projects.tests:ProjectTests.test_create_project


We multiple frameworks for the frontend. We use Karma for Unit Tests, and Protractor


To run karma tests, ensure that you have ran npm install before. Then run

npm test

You should see a browser load, and close quickly, and the results of all tests will be printed in the console.


Protractor tests are not currently implemented, they are on the way though!

Structure Overview

/authentication                 Django backend for Account and permissions
/dist                           minified JS for deployment
/env                            Python virtual env
/node_modules                   Node local packages downloaded
/projecthub                     Django project config and URL setup
/projects                       Django backend for Project
/scripts                        bash scripts
/static                         static content
    /bower_components               Bower local packages downloaded
    /javascripts                    All JS
        /authentication                 Controllers and services
        /layout                         Controllers for index and navbar
        /profiles                       Controllers and services
        /projects                       Controllers, directives, and services
        /utils                          Service for snackbar
        projecthub.config.js            Minor configs
        projecthub.routes.js            Routing URL -> [controller, html template]
        projecthub.js                   Module dependencies and CSRF config
    /stylesheets                    styles.css
    /templates                      templates for Angular
        /authentication                 login, register
        /layout                         index
        /profiles                       profile, settings
        /projects                       discover-projects, new-project, project
/templates                      Basic header/js templates used by Django
/test                           Tests used in our project
    /authentication             Authentication Python tests             
    /js                         JS tests
        /unit                   JS Unit Tests (using karma)
        /e2e                    End to End Unit tests (using protractor)
    /projects                   Project Python Tests
.bowerrc                        Bower set components directory
.buildpacks                     Heroku buildpacks config
.gitignore                      Ignore in Git
bower.json                      Bower config
db.sqlite3                      Local
gulpfile.js                     Gulp config
manage.py                       Django manager
package.json                    Node config
Procfile                        Heroku config
requirements.txt                Python package requirements
runtime.txt                     Heroku specify Python version
bitbucket-pipelines.yml         Bitbucket pipeline instructions.


Currently we are using Bitbucket's pipelining system, which spins up a docker container where we can run commands. We run the following commands

  • Run Python Tests
  • Run Karma Tests
  • Run Eslint to lint our JS.

Deploying to Heroku

Make sure the Procfile points to wsgi.py, and requirements.txt is up to date.

$ heroku login // authenticate

We need both the python and node buildpacks:

$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/python
$ heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs

Deployment occurs through git push and then approving the Heroku pipeline promotion of Staging -> Production.

$ git push staging master // push to staging

You can deploy directly to production if you want to live dangerously:

$ git push heroku master // force deploy from our master branch to the Heroku master

Or extra sketchy, push a branch other than Master:

$ git push heroku deploy-heroku:master // deploy from a local deployment branch to Heroku

We haven't found a good way to automatically load fixtures into the Heroku DB, so you'll need to do it manually during deployment:

$ git push heroku master
$ heroku run bash
$ > python manage.py loaddata YOUR_FILE

Fun things to do:

$ heroku local web                  // locally test Heroku (very imperfect)
$ heroku run bash                   // run bash on one-off dyno
$ heroku run python manage.py shell // manage Django on one-off dyno
$ heroku run bash --remote staging  // run in staging instead of production

Helpful docs

  • Django REST Framework website and GitHub; documentation leaves a lot of missing details so looking directly at code is sometimes necessary.

API Overview

  • API AccountViewSet:
    • POST (create) '/api/v1/accounts/', profile data
    • PUT (update) '/api/v1/accounts/' + profile.username + '/', profile data
    • GET '/api/v1/accounts/' + username + '/'
    • DELETE '/api/v1/accounts/' + profile.username + '/'
  • API MajorVieSet
    • GET (get all) '/api/v1/majors'
  • API ProjectViewSet and nested:
    • GET (get all) '/api/v1/projects/'
    • POST (create) '/api/v1/projects/', project data
    • PUT (update) '/api/v1/projects/' + id + '/', project data
    • GET (a user's) '/api/v1/accounts/' + username + '/projects/'
    • GET (get one) '/api/v1/projects/' + id + '/'
    • DELETE '/api/v1/projects/' + id + '/'
  • API LoginView:
    • POST 'api/v1/auth/login/'
  • API LogoutView:
    • POST 'api/v1/auth/logout/'
  • API ActivateAccount
    • POST 'api/v1/auth/activate/' + key
  • API ResendEmail
    • POST 'api/v1/auth/resend/'