Booking Manager App

Before Running Backend

  • Set "" property in to point to the local rabbit-mq instance
  • Backend application will run on localhost:8080

docker run -d --hostname ecabs-rabbit --name rabbit-assignment -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST=/ -p 4369:4369 -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -p 25672:25672 rabbitmq:3-management


  • "Waiting Time" and "Rating" and "tripWayPointTimestamp" were not included in the front-end data object since it was not clear on how/when these values would be inserted.
  • Multiple equivalent bookings are allowed


Due to time constraints and other personal commitments, more work is still required

  • Angular Form Validation
  • Server-side validation
  • Unit testing
  • Front-end only accepts one trip way point. This must be extended to accept more than one point. Backend already accepts more than one point.
  • Order of tripWayPoints is not yet considered
  • Improve structure of UI components
  • Exception handling
  • Logging
  • NgRX state management
  • Enable update functionality in front-end


  • Update component was not created in front-end. This works in the backend. Needs more work.
  • The Angular front-end sends rest requests to backend, which in turn produces the respective messages which are later consumed accordingly.
    Ideally, a thin backend layer would support the ui, which would include the producer, rather than including this logic in the current booking-manager-api backend app
  • MessageBookingController and BookingController represent asynchronous and synchronous flows respectively.