
A Project for FINE 1000 E01 Summer 2023.

Sketchbook 🎨


Brief introduction about the sketchbook.

  • Core Values: Honesty, Hard work, Authenticity
  • Mission: Learn how to be the best creative and learn new things to help foster creation.
  • Purpose: Sketchbook my thoughts and express my creativity for the sketchbook assignment.

Assignment Overview

Assignment details. Details and Content Inside Sketchbooks

Assignment Schedule

Schedule for Weeks 1-7

What is the Sketchbook? 🎨

The sketchbook is a creative collection of thoughts, ideas, research, and artistic expression curated over a series of weeks. It serves as a journey through the learning process of ideation, art appreciation, problem-solving, and the interplay of creativity and consciousness.

  • A Space for Creativity: The sketchbook is not just a collection of images or drawings. It includes thoughts, quotes, planning, brainstorming, and reflections that fuel design and innovation.
  • Diverse Content: From sketches and doodles to class notes, technical demonstration, and contemporary works, the sketchbook is an aesthetic melting pot.
  • A Personal Journey: The sketchbook embodies personal goals, time management strategies, project development, and individual explorations on issues that matter. I want to learn how to be more creative and showcase my progress through art work made in photoshop.
  • Archival: All the content can be converted into a PDF file for easy sharing and preservation and posted to my github to host the files.

How to Navigate the Sketchbook 🗺️

Navigating the sketchbook is easy and intuitive, with the contents organized by weeks and specific themes. Here's a simple guide:

  • Links: Utilize the hyperlinked table of contents at the beginning to quickly jump to any week or specific section, like the introduction, conclusion, or rubric.
  • Detailed View: Every week provides a comprehensive look at main ideas, notes, concept evolution, daily thoughts, visuals, and assignments.
  • Dropdowns: Click on the summary sections under each week to expand or collapse detailed information.
  • Visual Aids: Images and visuals are included to complement the written content.
  • Return: A "Back to Top" link at the end of each week takes you back to the main table of contents.

Content Inside Sketchbooks

  1. Every sketchbook should be labeled and dated.
  2. Notes should also contain your thinking process, key terms, definitions, class and reading notes.
  3. Describe how your concepts evolved for each project.
  4. Make sure that you have chosen a thoughtful layout to display your work, it should be in your own style.
  5. Some ideas are to use daily thoughts, you can use quotes, write down key points, notes, add the planning or process class exercises.
  6. Visually it can have any aesthetic. The pages should have label guide by topic, week and date in any style you wish:
    • Sketching, doodles, thumbnails, and refined concepts
    • Brainstorming, etymology, and writing
    • Technical, demonstration, and class notes
    • Research showing a variety of sources
    • Contemporary works and artists (designers, scientists, innovators, engineers, architects, etc.)
    • Historical artworks or related visual research (currents events, articles, etc.)
    • Explorations of issues (anything that you find important)
    • Non-art images that fuel your designs
    • Project development, assignments explorations, and class exercises
    • Evidence of problem solving; technical and otherwise
    • Notes on goals and time management
  7. Make your pages into a PDF file and upload it.

Assignment Schedule

  • Week 1: June 13, 2023 | June 15, 2023
  • Week 2: June 19, 2023 | June 21, 2023
  • Week 3: June 26, 2023 | June 28, 2023
  • Week 4: July 3, 2023 | July 5, 2023
  • Week 5: July 10, 2023 | July 12, 2023
  • Week 6: July 17, 2023 | July 19, 2023
  • Week 7: July 24, 2023 | July 26, 2023

Week 1: [Ideation/Process Sketchbook]

June 11, 2023

Main Ideas
  • Idea 1: Why ideation/idea development is important.
  • Idea 2: Research is important.
  • ...
Concept Evolution

Im starting to learn photoshop generative fill and im excited to learn how I can make art with it. What is it? It is a stable diffussion AI model that can gerate and interact with multiple laters to manipulate the area selected by the user. This can be endnless possibilities.

Daily Thoughts
  • Quotes: "The computer is a bicycle for the mind" - Steve Jobs
  • Key Points: Creativity is more than meets the eye.
  • Planning: Wanting to learn how to use photoshop again. Excited because of new AI tools.




A random plane crash from Denver to the Caribbean left Paris Eck, Shivam Pathak, Semir Poljakovic, Destiny Robertson, Nicolas Schlaepfer, Caleb Seiwald, Dustin Story, and Jessie Medina trapped on a deserted island being the only survivors. Finding a solution that would guarantee everyone's survival became our main priority.

During our first two days of exploration of the island, we came across an old hut with first aid supplies, which proved to be a useful tool for treating wounds and diseases. We also discovered a collection of ancient food rations from the Vietnam War, dating back to the 1960s and providing a preserved food source. Along with the island's many coconuts, fruits, and fresh water sources, we made the most of these resources to suit our urgent survival needs.

Following that, over the course of the following two days, we started to understand the value of cooperation and defined clear roles and duties based on our unique skill sets. We collaborated effectively, exchanging information and offering one another support as we used our combined skills to come up with innovative solutions and ensure our survival.

We were able to discuss issues, make choices, and continue open communication during the following week's sessions. We handled disagreements in a constructive manner, generating the kind of climate that was necessary for our survival.

We built tools, weapons, and shelters out of the available branches, vines, and boulders at these sessions as we started to acclimate to our environment. We were able to make the most of the island's natural resources and improve our chances of surviving until help arrived thanks to our resourcefulness.

After a month, a passing ship saw our distress signals, leading to our rescue. Each participant cast a vote for the best option, understanding that it was only by our combined efforts, unity, and efficient use of the resources at our disposal that we were able to survive.

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Week 2: [Mindmap & Ideation]

June 19, 2023

Main Ideas
  • Idea 1: Intro to mind maps
  • Idea 2: Art of noticing and Creative Confidence
  • ...

Mind mapping is a visual form of note taking that offers an overview of a topic and its complex information, allowing students to comprehend, create new ideas and build connections. Through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics. (linkLinks to an external site.)

Mind mapping can be helpful when organizing ideas ...

  • Writing papers
  • Studying for tests
  • Solving a business problem
  • Helping to build out your goals
  • Figure out areas to improve your skills

The art of Noticing

what the world presents and noticing what matters to you.

Concept Evolution

My first photoshop project is a cover of my sketch book (not sure the format yet.) I put my first geeration in my viaul section. Im going to do one every week now. The first one like I said is the cover of my sketch book Ive been playing around with this font and I really like it. I like using white background it feels very pure.

Daily Thoughts
  • Quotes: "Through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics"
  • Key Points: Mind mapping can be helpful when organizing ideas ...

Writing papers Studying for tests Solving a business problem Helping to build out your goals Figure out areas to improve your skills

  • Planning: I want to make a sketchbook art work for every week.


Note: This has a higher quality version.

Assignments Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 9 54 59 PM

Three things I Could use for my creative process after reading the provided pdf.

  1. Open-mindedness: Creative individuals are open to new ideas and perspectives. They are willing to explore unconventional paths and challenge the status quo.

  2. Curiosity: Creative individuals have a natural curiosity and a desire to learn. They are constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences, which fuels their creative thinking.

  3. Persistence: Creative individuals are not discouraged by obstacles or failures. They have the determination and resilience to keep pushing forward and finding innovative solutions.

Week 3: [Art of Noticing]

June 26, 2023

Main Ideas
  • Idea 1: Art of noticing releavant things
  • Idea 2: lateral thinking
  • ...
  • Key Terms: Lateral thinking: step by step contrasts lateral and vertical thinking.
  • Class Notes: Don't Forget to upload discussion post and assignment. And Personal Art work in photoshop.
  • Reading Notes: In The New Yorker by Louis Menand entitled Faking It: Literary Hoaxes and the Ethics of Authorship. Menand states that Literature professors...thought of identity as something that was hybrid...the idea that you could draw a straight line from the text back to some fixed knowable entity called "the author" was naive. So was the idea that you could draw a straight line from the text outward to some eternal stuff called "reality". 1
Concept Evolution

For this week I want to blend realites and showcase my interpreation of lateral and vertical thinking with genrative fill.

Daily Thoughts
  • Quotes: You must be right at each stage in order to achieve a correct solution
  • Key Points: Thinking in different dimentions requires step by step thinking.
  • Planning: I am currently working on many github projects. Still planning how to do next weeks sketchbook photo shop.

image Sketchbook2

Assignments Screen Shot 2023-06-27 at 11 01 56 AM

Week 4: [What is Creativity?]

July 3, 2023

Main Ideas
  • Idea 1: Creativity is Contagious
  • Idea 2: Connections
  • ...
  • Key Terms: Inovation, Evolution, Serendipitous, physical space
  • Class Notes: Your class notes here.
  • Reading Notes: Lesson 7: Serendipitous discoveries can be facilitated by a shared intellectual or physical space. When ideas converge in a shared physical or intellectual space, through for example people from different disciplines meeting, creative collisions happen. Consider the modernist cultural innovations of the 1920s. Many of them were largely a result of artists, poets and writers meeting at the same Parisian cafés. Shared interactions allow ideas to diffuse, circulate and be combined randomly with others.

On an individual level, facilitating such serendipitous connections is simply a matter of simultaneously introducing ideas from different disciplines into your consciousness. Innovators like Benjamin Franklin and Charles Darwin favored working on multiple projects simultaneously, in a kind of slow multitasking mode. One project would take center stage for days at a time, but linger at the back of the mind afterwards too, so connections between projects could be drawn.

The philosopher John Locke understood the importance of cross-referencing as early on as 1652, when he began developing an elaborate system for indexing the content of his commonplace book, essentially a scrapbook of interesting thoughts and findings. Such books formed his repository of ideas and hunches, maturing and waiting to be connected to new ideas.

On an organizational level, the key to innovation and inspiration is a network which allows hunches to mature, scatter and combine with others openly.

The greatest such network in existence is, of course, the World Wide Web, where a wealth of ideas is not only available, but hyper-linked for easy connections between several disciplines.

Concept Evolution

This week I want my sketchbook to showcase different 3D physical space we experience as humans and there are only two of them. Natural and Engineered. I think these are the only spaces we can experience right not. I think engineered is anything that is made by humans to change and adapt into useable liviable space I tried to be unique and creative this art creation.

Daily Thoughts
  • Quotes: “Creativity is contagious, pass it on” – Albert Einstein
  • Key Points: Your key points here.
  • Planning: Im currently looking for my first jobs and I am hopeing to find one where I can leverage my creativity.
Visuals Screen Shot 2022-06-26 at 11 31 53 PM ![Sketchbook3](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/4e293e8e-813c-4d02-b452-7f1d784d8de8) Above is my take on physical spaces.
Assignments ![IMG_0921](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/f106c0a8-df22-48a5-99f1-b8e89e32d168) ![1688184301 204025](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/eabb90c0-a84f-4ce7-9218-75c8ca99b658)
  1. Lateral Thinking and Vertical Thinking are distinct methods of problem-solving and idea generation. Lateral Thinking involves a nontraditional, 'outside-the-box' approach, while Vertical Thinking follows a more conventional, linear process. Both play crucial roles in idea generation and problem-solving, but their utilization can greatly depend on the nature of the problem and the desired solution that is currently at hand.

  2. Creativity and Innovation through Collaboration: Innovation often comes from the of diverse ideas and perspectives. Collaboration provides a platform for these diverse ideas to interact and amalgamate. The synergistic effect of collaboration often results in creative solutions that would not have been possible by individuals working in isolation. Additionally, adopting new methods like observation and unfamiliar ways of thinking can further foster creativity. Observation can help identify patterns or details that others may overlook, leading to unique insights. Embracing unfamiliar ways of thinking can break habitual thought patterns and open new pathways for innovative solutions.

  3. Given the inability to access the specific readings and videos, I'll provide general examples of how new ways of thinking can be applied:

    Disadvantages of the System: An example could be challenging existing systems and practices in an organization. This might involve questioning the efficiency of current processes or the efficacy of traditional methodologies, thus creating room for innovation and improvement. (Old Ideas sometimes die)

    Creativity is Contagious: This could relate to the idea that exposure to creative individuals or environments can stimulate our own creativity. For instance, a workplace that encourages free expression of ideas and fosters a culture of innovation can influence its members to think creatively. (I think of Apple)

    The Art of Noticing: This might be about the value of observation in fostering creativity. For instance, a designer might draw inspiration from patterns in nature, or a marketer might develop a new campaign based on subtle shifts in consumer behavior.

  4. Imagined Scenario: In a research institute, I imagen a "Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Day." On this day, researchers from different fields would come together to share their work and brainstorm solutions for real world complex, real-world problems. For instance, an environmental scientist, a computer scientist, and a sociologist might collaborate to develop a comprehensive model for predicting and mitigating the impacts of climate change on human societies.

Week 5: [Empathy Fuels Connection]

July 10, 2023

Main Ideas
  • Idea 1: Restructuring Thinking Patterns
  • Idea 2: Empathy: Connections facilitate ideas
  • ...
  • Key Terms: Definitions here.
  • Class Notes: The philosopher John Locke understood the importance of cross-referencing as early on as 1652, when he began developing an elaborate system for indexing the content of his commonplace book, essentially a scrapbook of interesting thoughts and findings. Such books formed his repository of ideas and hunches, maturing and waiting to be connected to new ideas.
  • Reading Notes: A cliche is a stereotyped phrase, a stereotyped way of looking at something or describing something. But cliches refer not only to arrangements of ideas but to ideas themselves. It is usually assumed that basic ideas are sound and then one starts fitting them together to give different patterns. But the basic ideas are themselves patterns that can be reconstructed. It is the purpose of lateral thinking to challenge any assumption for it is the purpose of lateral thinking to try and restructure any pattern. General agreement about an assumption is no guarantee that it is correct. It is historical continuity that maintains most assumptions - not a repeated assent of their validity. & The most basic principle of lateral thinking is that any particular way of looking at things is only one from among many other possible ways. Lateral thinking is concerned with exploring these other ways by restructuring and rearranging the information that is available. The very word ‘lateral’ suggests the movement sideways to generate alternative patterns instead of moving straight ahead with the development of one particular pattern. This is indicated in the diagrams opposite.
Concept Evolution

This week I wan to focus on creating an art piece of my intrest and crocessection on current discussion and stigma of UFOs. I believe in UFOs but not aliens. I have been very fascinatted on the topic and I really enjoy the open discussion. I still believe in scientific rigor and processes.

Daily Thoughts
  • Quotes: One imagines that in a field like molecular biology, great discoveries are made by peering through a microscope. Strikingly, it turned out the most important ideas arose during regular lab meetings, where the scientists informally discussed their work.
  • Key Points: Innovation and evolution thrive in large networks, Collaboration is at least as important a driver of innovation as competition.
  • Planning: Continuing to progress ideas and thoughts. I am currently looking for full time jobs so with that going on its hard to ground myself back into a child like flow state to be creative. Which is my favorite state. Something about applying to jobs that AI bots filter out key words is so de humanizing and hampers my creativity.
Visuals ![Sketchbook4](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/f62cbc6e-d56b-488e-8f2f-3e30a14b30c5) My weekly project of learning art (description is above.)
Assignments ![IMG_1050](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/26d3dec5-92c9-4f3e-9e30-953d07208a15) ![IMG_1051](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/b0235e5a-cece-4e6c-a17b-4fba4982cbff) ![IMG_1052](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/30dd5839-89bf-452f-a6b5-c4a9738ec5dc)

Week 6: [Data Collecting]

July 17, 2023

Main Ideas
  • Idea 1: Failure is Good
  • Idea 2: Oberserving
  • ...
  • Key Terms: A survey of Nobel failure.
  • Class Notes: Watch the netflix series "Losers" looks intresting.
  • Reading Notes: Bonaly: "It happened too much. Also, because I was a woman. I think if I would have been a man and did the same thing, it would have been OK, because, 'He's a guy, he's a dude.' Because a woman was supposed to be dressed cute and shut up and just accept it. And, at this point, I'm like, 'I don't care what kind of sex I belong to, I need to show that should not happen anymore.'
Concept Evolution Creating an image with no directive and accepting failer as an option but more as a learning oppurtuity and changing the vocabluary. _Describe how your concepts evolved for this project._
Daily Thoughts
  • Quotes: 'Please, Try To Be Fair' - Surya Bonaly
  • Key Points: Standing up for the right thing at the right time.
  • Planning: My next art work could be on observation. I like the idea of finding waldo or picture that makes the user look. I made two this week and
Visuals ![Sketchbook5](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/fde8ef14-1bb2-4dd5-a4b8-757b60a89841)


Assignments Here is my assingment this week: Collecting Data Collecting Data An individual I find it challenging to understand from my perspective is someone who holds starkly contrasting political views. For instance, someone who supports a political party or leader that I strongly disagree with, like Donald Trump. To gain insight, I could seek their assistance on political matters, such as guidance on voting in an upcoming election, involvement in a social movement, or resolving conflicts with friends or family members who hold opposing views. I could also seek advice on navigating political aspects of business. As long as their suggestions are not harmful, illegal, or unethical, I would be open to following their guidance. This may involve listening to their arguments, exploring their sources, consuming their media, attending their events, or implementing their advice. Throughout this process, I would strive to maintain an open-minded and respectful attitude, even if I ultimately do not agree with them. To document my experience, I would write a reflection or create a video that outlines the lessons I learned from the interaction. This documentation would include the following points: The specific problem I sought help with and the reasons behind my choice. Details about the person I approached for assistance and the method I used to connect with them. The solution they proposed and how they explained it to me. The actions I took to implement their solution and the outcomes I observed. My emotional state during and after the interaction, including any feelings of anger, frustration, curiosity, empathy, or surprise. The insights I gained from the interaction, such as any shifts in perspective or understanding of the issue or the person. Additionally, any challenges to my assumptions or beliefs and any inspiration to take action or make changes. -The overall impact of the experience on my own personal growth and development. Any future steps or actions I plan to take based on what I learned from this interaction. A final reflection on the importance of engaging with individuals who hold opposing views, even if it may be challenging or uncomfortable. By documenting my experience in this way, I can not only gain a deeper understanding of someone like Donald Trump and their supporters, but also share my insights with others who may be interested in bridging political divides and fostering respectful dialogue


Things of conflict Things of America Overall Well being Learning and study The education system Gender Privacy Time Subject Degree Society Freedom Sleep Learning Campus Gender Friends Food Research Teachers Religion Transportation Friends Laboratory Students Culture Growth Classes Family Understanding Grades Influence Productivity Tuition Logic Nature Subject


  1. Organized by category

  2. Realized lot of overlap

  3. Divided and conquer based off of personal viability

  4. Observed disproportions between category.

Week 7: [Creative Problem Solving]

June 24, 2023

Main Ideas
  • Idea 1: Design thinking
  • Idea 2: Prototyping
  • ...
  • Key Terms: A prototype is a simple experimental model of a proposed solution used to test or validate ideas, design assumptions and other aspects of its conceptualisation quickly and cheaply, so that the designer/s involved can make appropriate refinements or possible changes in direction.
  • Class Notes: Watch this video on Design Thinking: https://youtu.be/0V5BwTrQOCs
  • Reading Notes: My fav section so far. I love design.
Concept Evolution

This week I wanted to make a something more sensical than last week. i want to show case a story thought images maybe for an advertisement. I like the idea of making pancakes, there is something satisying wehn pouring a perfect pancak.

Daily Thoughts
  • Quotes: Failure can be good and bad.
  • Key Points: Your key points here.
  • Planning: Your planning notes here.


Assignments Here are the visual form my design thinking for my friends band using the processes outlined in the assignment. ![logo](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/fa4e8d69-bb47-4d8b-93b5-e578f22d9264)



Week 8: [Creativity and the Unconscious]

June 24, 2023

Main Ideas
  • Idea 1: What is inspiration
  • Idea 2: What is surreal
  • ...
  • Key Terms: Definitions here.
  • Class Notes: The researchers aren’t sure how to explain their results; they suggest a “spontaneous tagging process” takes place when an idea is generated unconsciously, alerting us to its level of creativity. While admitting this theory is speculative, they note that — whatever its cause — this sort of discernment is “vitally important for everyday creativity.”
  • Reading Notes: Unconcious experinces of dream like stats allow for a unique insight on how creative juices flow. Science.
Concept Evolution This week is the last week and I have been slacking on working on my art. Im not sure for this week what I am going to do. Im going to let my mind go in child like state.
Daily Thoughts
  • Quotes: Your quotes here.
  • Key Points: Your key points here.
  • Planning: Your planning notes here.


I for some reason thought ice cude in a ice cube would be funny and cooooool. (pun). I also would like to bring attention to the font placement. I for some reason really liked that.

Assignments ![1690502360 408345](https://github.com/nschlaepfer/Sketchbook/assets/44988633/44c9ca0f-fd91-48a4-903e-568ed42b6083)


Final thoughts and reflections on the course. This has been a really fun cousres. I forced my self to think outside the box. I enjoy reading and watching videos on creativity. I orginally was taking courses at UCCS as a bachelor of Innovation student. I really enjoyed those classes and love that I am ending my computer science degeree at CU denver taking a class on creativity. It has come to my thought that eveyone has the ability to be creative and create things in a innovative way. I believe learning the tools help alot.

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Criteria Ratings Points
Create Above Proficient 40 pts
Identify Above Proficient 30 pts
Contextualize Above Proficient 30 pts
Total Points: 100

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This sketchbook was created by Nico Schlaepfer.