Raw code alternative for periodic curve
dthillaithevan opened this issue · 0 comments
dthillaithevan commented
I am trying to generate a 2D mesh with periodic nodes on opposite faces. Looking at past discussions (#193) it seems add_raw_code
with Periodic Curve
was used, however since this has been depreciated is there a new alternative method ensure periodicity constraints in pygmsh?
I've included a simple test case on a squre domain below.
import pygmsh
import gmsh
import meshio
verts = [[0,0], [0,1], [1,1],[1,0]]
lcar = 0.1
with pygmsh.geo.Geometry() as geom:
p1 = geom.add_point(verts[0], lcar/2)
p2 = geom.add_point(verts[1], lcar/2)
p3 = geom.add_point(verts[2], lcar)
p4 = geom.add_point(verts[3], lcar)
l1 = geom.add_line(p1, p2)
l2 = geom.add_line(p2, p3)
l3 = geom.add_line(p3, p4)
l4 = geom.add_line(p4, p1)
ll = geom.add_curve_loop([l1, l2, l3, l4])
pl = geom.add_plane_surface(ll)
# Raw code no longer supported
# geom.add_raw_code("Periodic Curve {{{}}} = {{{}}};".format(l1.id, l3.id))
# I thought setPeriodic might be used but does not seem to work either
# translation = [1, 0, 0, 1,
# 0, 1, 0, 0,
# 0, 0, 1, 0,
# 0, 0, 0, 1]
# gmsh.model.mesh.setPeriodic(0, [l3.dim_tag[1]], [l1.dim_tag[1]], translation)
mesh = geom.generate_mesh(2)
Many thanks,