- 0
- 0
How can i change the saving format of msh files?
#587 opened by MrRicardoLuo - 0
How to change the saving format of msh file?
#586 opened by MrRicardoLuo - 0
Removing entities doesn't remove them from queues for the environment, for example as a physical quantity
#585 opened by revanth0778 - 1
The example "ball with mesh refinement" prints errors: TypeError: <lambda>() takes 5 positional arguments but 6 were given
#565 opened by yurivict - 0
Problem with `import pygmsh’
#584 opened by mcastel1 - 0
- 0
Removing surface and point after creating Volume
#582 opened by mohammad200h - 0
Several warnings around pytest
#581 opened by carlosal1015 - 0
It is recommended to upgrade to python 3.12
#580 opened by YongYahn - 1
Error with set_mesh_size_callback
#569 opened by lucascbarbosa - 1
add_surface with occ geometry kernel broken
#567 opened by cc-a - 0
Creating Meshes with no Quads
#578 opened by LyceanEM - 2
Circular mesh includes center as a point, but is not necessarily used as a vertex in the triangulation.
#562 opened by jorgenriseth - 2
- 0
Alternative for add_raw_code in pygmsh 7.1.17
#577 opened by raoulabihanna - 0
- 1
How to create a rotationally symmetric geometry
#574 opened by smallduan - 0
- 0
Raw code alternative for periodic curve
#573 opened by dthillaithevan - 0
- 1
Update the sample outputs in readme file
#541 opened by sugatoray - 0
Supress output console
#571 opened by lucascbarbosa - 0
Removing isolated solid phases
#570 opened by lucascbarbosa - 0
How to generate tetrahedron from a mesh?
#568 opened by zhang-qiang-github - 0
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Error and warnings in tests
#564 opened by yurivict - 0
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- 0
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Conda install option
#558 opened by michaelcdevin - 1
How to create a 2D cylinder in an rectangle?
#557 opened by jiangzhangze - 0
How to create a 2D cylinder in
#556 opened by jiangzhangze - 0
How 同
#555 opened by jiangzhangze - 1
Geometry() unusable outside `with` block
#542 opened by rmsc - 1
[README] Images not rendering
#554 opened by loumalouomega - 0
Question: Is there a way to fil small holes?
#552 opened by lucascbarbosa - 0
How to connect 3D geom.add_points?
#551 opened by Blue-Spartan - 0
- 0
Unable to create Volume Mesh
#547 opened by geometersquarterly - 0
Error when importing gmsh on Windows
#546 opened by carlos-adir - 0
Remeshing pyvista geometeries with pygmsh
#544 opened by firstkingofrome - 1
installing the library with editable mode
#543 opened by firstkingofrome - 1
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[EASY QUESTION] Hollow Cylinder as Surface
#512 opened by mia0120 - 0
boolean_union problem on gmsh 4.9.0+
#519 opened by quintenstar - 3
flit build fails to detect gmsh
#514 opened by Schamschula - 1
- 0
error building docs
#516 opened by drew-parsons - 0
fillet command?
#511 opened by ryancoe