
A Python3 API for ingesting data into QuestDB through the InfluxDB Line Protocol.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Python QuestDB ILP TCP client


This repository contains a Python3 API for ingesting data into QuestDB through the InfluxDB Line Protocol.

We use make as a CLI to various convenient work developer flows. We use poetry to manage dependencies.

Install Flow

We require Python 3.9.*, or above installed in your system, with pip up-to-date, as well as poetry:

$ python3 --version
$ Python 3.9.<some-integer>
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip
$ curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

Now we can install the project's dependencies in a virtual environment and activate it:

$ make install-dependencies

Or for development (Required for code quality and test flows):

$ make install-dependencies-dev

To activate the environment:

$ poetry shell
$ echo $SHLVL

To deactivate the environment:

$ exit
$ echo $SHLVL

Code Quality Flow (Requires dev dependencies)

For convenience, we can let standard tools apply standard code formatting; the second command will report issues that need to be addressed before using the client in production environments.

$ make format-code
$ make check-code-quality

Test Flow (Requires dev dependencies)

To run all tests in the tests module:

$ make test

Note: QuestDB must be running, see next section.

Start/stop QuestDB Docker container Flow

To start QuestDB:

$ make compose-up

This creates a folder questdb_root to store QuestDB's table data/metadata, server configuration files, and the web UI.

The Web UI is avaliable at: localhost:9000.

Logs can be followed on the terminal:

$ docker logs -f questdb

To stop QuestDB:

$ make compose-down

Data are available, even when QuestDB is down, in folder questdb_root.

Basic usage

from datetime import datetime
from questdb_ilp_client.tcp import LineTcpSender

# Single line send
with LineTcpSender(host_name="localhost", port=9009, buffer_size=4096) as ls:
    ls.symbol("Symbol", "value")
    ls.column_int("number", 10)
    ls.column_float("double", 12.23)
    ls.column_str("string", "born to shine")
    ls.at_utc_datetime(datetime(2022, 4, 23, 0, 46, 26))

# Multiple line send
with LineTcpSender(host_name="localhost", port=9009, buffer_size=4096) as ls:
    for i in range(int(1e6)):
        ls.column_int("counter", i)