Extract translations from your ReasonML codebase.
$ yarn add reason-i18n-extractor
Using translations in your codebase
This binary assumes that your translations are using a T.__
function to identify translations.
let element = <div> {T.__("My translation")->React.string} </div>;
This pairs nicely with i18n-webpack-plugin
and the following external:
[@bs.val] external __: string => string = "__";
You feed the list of files you have translations in to the script's sdtin, and pass as first argument the destination of the JSON file you want to store the translations in.
$ find ./src -iname '*.re' | reason-i18n-extractor ./i18n/fr.json
Let's say your codebase contains the following code:
let x = <div> {T.__("My translation")->React.string} </div>;
let y = <div> {T.__("My translation 2")->React.string} </div>;
If the translation file doesn't exist, it'll write:
"My translation": "My translation",
"My translation 2": "My translation 2"
If the translation file does exist and already contains:
If the translation file doesn't exist, it'll write:
"My translation": "Ma traduction",
The script will merge the existing with the new keys and write:
"My translation": "Ma traduction",
"My translation 2": "My translation 2"
Then, you can check the diff and write the missing translations.
"My translation": "Ma traduction",
+ "My translation 2": "My translation 2"