
Curso de Udemy: React Testing Library - Finalizado

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Testing Library

Curso en Udemy, link: https://santec.udemy.com/course/react-testing-library

Section 1: Introduction

  1. Introduction to Testing Library and Jest

  2. Create-React-App

  3. First Test with Testing Library

  4. Jest and Jest-DOM Assertions

  5. Jest: Watch Mode and How Tests Work

  6. TDD: Test Driven Development

  7. React Testing Library Philosophy

  8. Functional Testing vs Unit Testing

  9. TDD (Test Driven Development) vs BDD (Behavior Driven Development)

  10. Testing Library and Accessibility

Section 2: Simple App: Color Button

  1. Overall Course Plan

  2. Start Color Button App

  3. Test that Finds Button by Role and Clicks Button

  4. OPTIONAL React Code: Click Button to Change Color

  5. Manual Acceptance Testing

  6. Test Initial Condition of Button and Checkbox

  7. Introduction to Code Quizzes

  8. Code Quiz! Confirm Button Disable on Checkbox Check

  9. Code Quiz Solution: Confirm Button Disable on Checkbox Check

  10. Finding Checkbox with Label

  11. Code Quiz! Disabled Button Turns Gray

  12. Unit Testing Functions

  13. Code Quiz! Update Tests for New Color Names

  14. When to Unit Test

  15. Review: Simple App

Section 3: ESLint with Testing Library, plus Prettier

  1. ESLint and Prettier

  2. ESLint for Testing Library and Jest-DOM

  3. Configure ESLint in VSCode

  4. Configure Prettier in VSCode

  5. Review: ESLint and Prettier

Section 4: Sundaes On Demand: Form Review and Popover

  1. Introduction to Sundaes on Demand

  2. ESLint and Prettier Setup

  3. React Bootstrap Setup

  4. Code Organization and Introduction to SummaryForm

  5. Code Quiz: Checkbox Enables Button

  6. OPTIONAL React Code: SummaryForm Checkbox and Button

  7. React Bootstrap Popover and Testing Library userEvent

  8. Screen Query Methods

  9. Testing Element is Not on Page: Start Popover Tests

  10. OPTIONAL React Code: Popover

  11. "Not wrapped in act(...)" Error, Async Disappearance

  12. Review: Summary Form

Section 5: Simulating Server Response with Mock Service Worker

  1. OrderEntry Server Data Introduction

  2. Introduction to Mock Service Worker and Handlers

  3. Setting up the Mock Service Worker Server

  4. Tests with Mock Service Worker: Scoop Options

  5. OPTIONAL React Code: Options and ScoopOption Components

  6. Using await findBy to Find Elements that Populate Asynchronously

  7. Code Quiz! Topping Options from Server

  8. Error Server Response Planning

  9. Simulating Server Error Response in Tests

  10. OPTIONAL React Code: Alert Banner for Options Server Error

  11. Running only Selected Tests, and waitFor

  12. Review: Server Error Response and Test Debugging Tools

Section 6: Testing Components Wrapped in a Provider

  1. Intro to Tests for Total and Subtotals

  2. Entering Text Input: Subtotal Tests

  3. OPTIONAL React Code: OrderDetails Context

  4. OPTIONAL React Code: Use Context to Display Scoops Subtotal

  5. Adding Context to Test Setup; Test Catching Error in Code

  6. Creating Custom Render to Wrap in Provider By Default

  7. Review: Scoops Subtotal with Context

  8. Code Quiz! Toppings Subtotal

  9. OPTIONAL React Code: Toppings Checkboxes

  10. Code Quiz! Grand Total

  11. "Unmounted Component" Error

  12. What Should Functional Tests Catch? and Refactor

Section 7: Final Exam: Order Phases

  1. Introduction to Final Exam: Order Phases

  2. Adding a New Handler: Copy/Paste Warning!

  3. Debugging Tips

  4. OPTIONAL React Hints for Order Phase Coding

  5. Final Exam Solution

  6. OPTIONAL React Code: Order Phases

  7. Jest Mock Functions as Props

  8. Review: Final Exam, and Introduction to Optional Practice

Section 8: Optional Extra Practice

  1. Standard Questions for New Tests and Introduction to Exercises

  2. Confirm "Loading" Text

  3. Conditional Toppings Section on Summary Page

  4. Disable Order Button if No Scoops Ordered

  5. Red Input Box for Invalid Scoop Count

  6. No Scoops Subtotal Update for Invalid Scoop Count

  7. Server Error on Order Confirmation Page

  8. Congratulations and Thank You!