##Intro This is my implementation of the merge sort algorithm coupled with a sudo-random number generator to auto-feed the numbers and elements to sort.
###Compiling To compile both the generator and merge_sort files just run
make all
or for individual files
make <FileName>
###Merge Sort The merge_sort file takes no command-line arguments
and prompts the user for input
Enter size of array:
after recieving the size will prompt the user to input each element of the array
Enter element for x index:
where x is the current index you are on.
###Number Generator The generator takes one argument and one optional argumen
./generator n [s]
where n
is the number of elements desiered and s
is the optional seed for the generator if your are using this for testing and constant numbers are desired
###Using generator and merge_sort If you don't want to input every element of the array into the merge_sort program simply calling
./generator n | ./merge_sort
will supply all the arguments for merge_sort where n is the length of the array in merge_sort