
Monitor Kafka Consumer groups (consumers and lag) in Zabbix

Primary LanguagePython


Monitor Kafka Consumer groups in Zabbix using Python

Information about Kafka Consumers groups and consumers LAG are retrieved using Kafka API. ( Kafka API Documentation )

This monitoring tool is working for Kafka Broker version > 0.9.0 and consumers that are using Consumer API which are committing the offset into Kafka.


Install kafka-python

pip install kafka-python

Zabbix Consumer groups discovery

python monitor_consumers.py --bootstrap-server <kafka_broker_list> --list 

Check if a consumer group exists

python monitor_consumers.py --bootstrap-server <kafka-broker-list> --group <consumer-group> --is-present

Get Lag for a specific consumer group

python monitor_consumers.py --bootstrap-server <kafka-broker-list> --group <consumer-group> --lag

Get number of consumers from a group

python monitor_consumers.py --bootstrap-server <kafka-broker-list> --group <consumer-group> --members

All possible arguments

Monitor Kafka Consumer Groups

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bootstrap-server    BOOTSTRAP_SERVER
                          Kafka brokers list
  --list                  List Kafka Consumer Groups
  --group                 CONSUMER_GROUP
      --lag                 Lag consumer group
      --members             Members consumer group
      --is-present          Check if a consumer group exists
  --timeout TIMEOUT       Kafka API timeout in ms
  --security-protocol     Protocol used to communicate with brokers
  --sasl-mechanism        SASL mechanism type
  --sasl-plain-username   Username for SASL PLAIN authentication
  --sasl-plain-password   Password for SASL PLAIN authentication
  --ssl-certfile          Certificate file
  --ssl-keyfile           Key file
  --nocheckcertificate    Desactivate the verification of other peers certificates and hostname server