
Send a portion of an OSX screen via OSC

Primary LanguageC++

SendScreen sends a portion of your MAC (OSX) screen someplace via OSC.

Currently how big a window it sends, and where it sends it is HARD
CODED into the application. Yes, I feel very bad about this. Almost fixed...

Image is sent as a raw binary array, one ROW at a time of the format:
uint16 width, height
// row 0, ... row height-1
uint32 pack(red:8, green:8, blue:8, alpha:8) x width  	// per row

 Position the window over area to be echo'd to OSC
 Note: Window size, destination IP address and OSC /path are all HARD CODED

 C - Continuous Mode
 S - Snapshot Mode (space sends a snapshot)
 I - interpolation mode for scaling down (N=Nearest Neighbor)
 ARROWS - will scootch capture window one pixel in any direction

// Future -- 
OSC output info should be enterable
Capture size may be an even multiple of output size (+ / - )