
Reducing P4 Language’s Voluminosity using Higher-Level Constructs

Primary LanguageRacket

Reducing P4 Language's Voluminosity
using Higher-Level Constructs

O4 is a domain-specific data-plane programming language, allowing to specify custom packet handling in programmable network devices. It compiles to P4, and is therefore compatible with all state-of-the-art P4 targets. With O4 one can write more concise software, reducing the required lines of code of up to 80% compared to an equivalent P4 implementation.

Structure of the repo

├── examples/               - P4/O4 Example Program
├── metrics/                - Implementations of Evaluation Metrics
├── o4/                     - O4 Compiler
├── p4include/
├── plots/              
│   ├── result_plots.py     - Evaluation Plots
│   ├── survey.csv          - Raw Survey Results
│   └── survey_plots.py     - Survey Plots
├── docker-compose.yml
├── README.md
└── requirements.txt        - Requirements for Python Scripts


The current O4 compiler runs with:

  • P4-16 version: 1.2.2
  • Racket version: 8.1 or higher


To setup the O4 compiler, make sure you have Racket installed:

$ racket --version
Welcome to Racket v8.1 [cs].

Then install the o4 package from the repository root:

raco pkg install code/o4

Now compile the given test file from the repository root to make sure everything works as expected:

$ racket code/o4/test.o4
Finished lexing and parsing of source in 0.006 seconds
Finished back end compilation in 0.112 seconds
Finished writing compilation output to file code/examples/o4_compilation_output.p4

Optional: The O4 compiler can directly invoke the P4 compiler after it has finished. To set this up, one has to set run_p4_compiler to true and configure p4_compiler_executable and p4_compiler_arguments in config.json accordingly.

For more information see Invoking the P4 compiler.


Make sure that you finished the Setup and have verified that the compiler works as expected.

An O4 source file has to start with #lang o4 followed by a newline:

#lang o4

header header_t {
    bit<32>[4] values;

struct headers {
    header_t test_header;

control test_control(inout headers hdr) {
    factory test_factory (int index, bit<32> value) {
        action test_action () {
            hdr.test_header.values[index] = value;
        return test_action;

    apply {
        for (int i in [0, 1, 2, 3]) {
            test_factory(i, (bit<32>) i)();

To compile an O4 source file, run the O4 compiler from the repository root (otherwise the relative paths might not work as intended):

$ racket path/from/repository/root/to/o4/source/file

Invoking the P4 compiler

The O4 compiler allows to automatically invoke a subprocess after the compilation finished successfully. This can be used to chain together the O4 and P4 compilers.

To turn this feature on, you have to set run_p4_compiler to true in the config.json file. In the same file you can also specify which executable to run, with p4_compiler_executable. To pass any arguments to the call you can use the p4_compiler_arguments.

We provide a docker-compose file that sets up a p4c Docker container and maps all required files into it, allowing to execute any p4c call with little setup required. If you point the p4_compiler_executable to your local Docker executable, the pre-configured command in the config file will call the p4c pretty-printer.

If you instead want to further compile the output of the O4 compiler onto a BMv2 target, you have to adapt the command in the config file to match:

docker compose -f code/docker-compose.yml run --rm p4c --target bmv2 --arch v1model o4_compilation_output.p4

Running Tests

The O4 compiler ships with a suite of over 230 test cases, which test many of the most important features of the compiler implementation.

To run these test, first install the o4 package as described in Setup, then simply run:

raco test -p o4

Reading the Code

To make a deep dive into the source code easier, we provide an overview of the most important components of the O4 compiler and their interactions. This section assumes some familiarity with Racket and the #lang functionality.

The main.rkt file is a good starting point for getting into the code, as it contains both the read-syntax procedure and the #%module-begin macro of the O4 language. The main file also contains calls to the parse function of the brag library, invoking the front end, using the tokenizer in frontend/lexer-tokenizer.rkt and the grammar in frontend/parser.rkt, to tokenize and parse the input file. Furthermore, it contains the call to o4-program, the entrypoint to the backend, with its binding given in backend/o4-program.rkt

The backend logic is split into individual sections that correspond to the commented sections in the O4 grammar. An important part of the back end is the context data structure, which stores global information that is passed throughout all predicates in the back end. The context is always required via the global context.rkt file, which is done purely for convenience. The actual context logic is defined in the files in the context/ folder. If you decide to dig into the context logic, we recommend to start with the context/base.rkt file, as it contains the main struct definitions and helper functions used throughout the context logic.

It might also make sense to have a look at the commonly used utility functions in utils/util.rkt, before diving into the back end code.

Tokenize-Only and Parse-Only Dialects

Additional to the O4 language, we provide two helper dialects that allow to investigate the output of the tokenizer and parser respectively.

To invoke these dialects, simply change the #lang line in an O4 program to #lang o4/utils/tokenize-only or #lang o4/utils/parse-only and run the file using the usual racket command.

Current Compiler Limitations

The following is an overview of the current limitations of the O4 compiler:

  • The architecture definition sub-language is not supported (extern-, error-, match-kind-, parser-type-, control-type-, package-type-declarations).
  • Annotations are not supported (do not cause syntax errors, but are simply ignored).
  • The header_union, type, switch, this and abstract keywords and their respective functionality are not supported.
  • Valuesets are not supported.
  • The ternary operator is not supported.
  • Header stacks are not detected and will be treated as arrays (they will be expanded).
  • Dot-prefixed variables are not fully supported.
  • Tuple types are not fully supported.
  • Only very basic type checking is performed (e.g. one can use incompatible types for factory parameters and arguments).
  • Array types cannot be used in typedef declarations, as function return types, in specified enum declarations, in cast expressions, in type argument lists and as loop iterators.
  • Factory bodies can only be instances of action, table and extern types.
  • for loops can only loop over 1D arrays.

Known Issues

  • The procedures set-variable, set-parameter, set-factory and set-factory-call are missing error handlers.
  • Certain usages of expression arrays allow for arrays with improper structure.