
Experimental Immich distribution inside a snap

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Immich Distribution

Immich Distribution is an independent community project that packages the software in a snap package. This project is not affiliated with the upstream Immich project, its developers, or FUTO. For more information, please refer to the documentation site.

If you like to have Immich installed directly from the Immich project use the official Docker images. Do not report bugs to upstream unless you are sure that the same bug is present in the upstream images.


In short, this is an Immich Distribution packaged inside a snap package. The package is inspired of the official Immich images. It will be similar, but not identical with the official Docker-based installation. Extra tools are included, they should be non-intrusive and you can ignore them if you like.

For more information see the project page at https://immich-distribution.nsg.cc



sudo snap install immich-distribution

For detailed installation instructions with recommendations and hardware requirements, automatic updates and configuration see the installation documentation pages at the projects website.


See the documentation site at immich-distribution.nsg.cc for more information.

Included software

Software Note
Immich Server This is the server component of Immich that provides Immich API, Microservices and the Website
Immich Machine Learning Object detection and image classifier, provides and API for Immich
Immich Distribution Sync Synchronize (read & write) a external folder (with a few caveats) with Immich
Immich Distribution Backup Tool for easy backup and restore of Immich
Postgres Relational database used by Immich
Redis Fast key-value database used by Immich
HAProxy Service that proxies traffic to Immich web and server
lego A Let's Encrypt ACME client used to checkout TLS certificates


All files in this repository are released under the MIT license. Upstream Immich was also licensed under the MIT license, but have changed to AGPLv3 after 2024-02-12.