- 1
django admin error with version 5.0.2
#88 opened by hosamhamdy258 - 3
python-hashids is replaced by python-sqids
#82 opened by gabn88 - 0
Using GenericRelation with prefetch_related
#81 opened by CleitonDeLima - 1
Django Ninja returning int
#80 opened by aleksisg - 2
Add option to encode when reading
#75 opened by ThomasAitken - 2
hashID issue on django-admin -> quote/unquote
#84 opened by areski - 1
Add Django path converter for HashID
#42 opened by wowkin2 - 1
Negative ID
#86 opened by iamMHZ - 3
Please upgrade to Django 5.0
#85 opened by khamaileon - 1
Add real contains/icontains lookup
#83 opened by chunkai-meng - 1
- 1 doesn't work for templates
#78 opened by joshuakoh1 - 1
Int lookup passed as string finds object on a field with a prefix when allow_int_lookup=False
#74 opened by AgiNetz - 1
Extraction of original integer ID from queryset
#73 opened by Klim314 - 3
Hashid value changes after saving instance
#72 opened by radokristof - 2
HashidSerializerCharField returns the non formatted message "'%(value)s' value must be a positive integer or a valid Hashids string."
#70 opened by yuu-eguci - 15
- 2
AutoField or IntegerField
#67 opened by bodgerbarnett - 7
- 2
- 3
- 15
Django: Instantiated objects in TestCase.setUpTestData() that use HashidAutoField get a different pk in the test methods
#63 opened by dmasson - 4
`icontains` filtering is not working
#62 opened by Arti3DPlayer - 1
- 1
Reduced alphabet size when initializing a Hashid object and the `hashids` argument is not None
#60 opened by sgex - 1
Filtering by hash id lookup
#59 opened by jcobacho - 0
Security issue on lookup using strings
#57 opened by frossigneux - 1
Salt only uses first 43 characters
#51 opened by coofercat - 1
Not working when using cacheops
#55 opened by aztecrabbit - 2
Migrations and existing data
#52 opened by sjdweb - 1
Using invalid hashid on related field throws ValueError even with HASHID_FIELD_LOOKUP_EXCEPTION=False
#48 opened by rvdrijst - 4
- 3
Error using collector method
#33 opened by gregoriopellegrino - 5
Automatic Per-Model/Field Salt
#31 opened by rcoup - 2
- 0
- 1
Salt based on foreign_key
#47 opened by epschroeder - 2
- 3
The values_list and tight coupling to the database
#45 opened by jskitz - 2
- 0
subquery has too many columns
#39 opened by wowkin2 - 4
- 1
Django 3.0 support
#36 opened by hhamana - 1
Remove Python 2.7 support
#35 opened by pauloxnet - 1
Is it possible to set some of the ids manually?
#34 opened by rootux - 3
Should not limit maximum version of Django
#32 opened by eseglem - 1
- 5
Fix RemovedInDjango30Warning from Django 2.0+
#27 opened by adamchainz - 3
Using hashid-field on third party models
#25 opened by ivanfr90 - 1
Clarify readme about searching in the admin
#23 opened by nwolff