
Moovies is an web app which recommends movies and provides a dictionary to define movie description words

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Moovies Frontend Build Status Coverage Status

Moovies is an web app which recommends movies and provides a dictionary to define movie description words


This is the repo for the Moovies frontend it was built using React(without create-react-app) + Redux. This app use most of the react features like routing and states.


this app uses two API to work properly;

App Homepage

Moovies Homepage


This app requires NODEJS v8.x and later

Getting Started

To setup this application follow these instructions:

  • Clone this project onto your device by running this command on Terminal: git clone https://github.com/nshaphan/moovies-frontend.git

  • Install the necessary dependencies by navigating to the project folder using Terminal and then run npm install

  • Build the project using npm run build

  • Run npm start to run the app on local server.

  • Run npm run watch to start a development server.


  • Run npm test to run the test.


Fork the project, Pull requests are welcome. File an issue for ideas, conversation or feedback.