Hygrometer App

This project is generated with [yo angular generator](https://github.com/yeoman/generator-angular) version 0.16.1.


  • Clone the repo via http
  • remove the folder node_modules
  • run 'npm install' (with 'sudo' if you dont have permissions).
  • run 'bower install' or 'bower update'
  • run 'grunt build'
  • run 'grunt serve'

Build & development

Run grunt for building and grunt serve for preview.


This app is build using

  • Uses latest bootstrap 4 version for UI

    • The bootstrap classes can be customised in theme.scss
  • Uses Grunt for minifying, compliling and test -Grunt is configured and customised for building dist files (Minifying scss, html, Js and Jade files) -Tasks like grunt build and serve are included for converting scss to css and jade files to html

  • Jade language is being used for templating html


Unit testing and End-to-end (E2E) testings are available. Unit testing are available through Karma
