
Implementation of referential integrity constraint when it is not a primary key-foreign key relationship

Referential Integrity


The code in this repository is the accompanying material for the article Referential Integrity Beyond the Primary Key-Foreign Key Relationship published on medium.

The underlying database is the university database used as a running example in the book Database System Concepts. The database is available at https://www.db-book.com/db6/lab-dir/sample_tables-dir/index.html. Changes made to the original scripts are commented on in the corresponding scripts.

The new scripts added are

  • teaches_section_view.sql
  • insert_teaches_section_trigger.sql
  • delete_teaches_trigger.sql

How to Install

  1. Download and unzip referential-integrity-main.zip.
  2. CD into the directory with that file.
  3. If you want to create a new schema, start SQL*Plus as a user who can create a new schema and run the script

SQL> @create_user.sql user_name password default_tablespace temporary_tablespace


  • user_name is the schema name (or simply the user) you want to create.
  • pass_word is the password for the new schema.
  • temporary tablespace is the default tablespace for the new schema.
  • temporary_tablespace is the default temporary-tablespace for the new schema.

For example

SQL> @create_user.sql test_user test_pass users temp

  1. Connect either to the schema newly created or to an existing one and run the scripts

SQL> @create_schema_objects.sql

SQL> @load_data.sql

  1. If you want to verify that the data is correctly loaded, run

SQL> @verify_data_load.sql