
Git Commit Message

:emoji:... Subject
(Only One NewLine)
Message Body
(Only One NewLine)
(Ref <###>)

Suggested Emojis

Emoji Raw Emoji Code Description
🎨 :art: when improving the format/structure of the code
📝 :pencil: when performing minor changes/fixing the code or language
🐎 :racehorse: when improving performance
🐛 :bug: when fixing a bug
:white_check_mark: when adding tests
:heavy_plus_sign: when adding feature
:heavy_minus_sign: when removing feature
💄 :lipstick: when improving UI/Cosmetic
🔥 :fire: when removing code or files
:arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies
👕 :shirt: when removing linter warnings
📚 :books: when writing docs
💎 :gem: New Release
🔖 :bookmark: Version Tags