- Basic CS Concepts(How to code, Networks: its okay if you dont)
- Language like Java, C, C++, Go - Strongly typed. Curly Bracket
- Public Key Crypto
- Basics on Blockchain
- https://etherscan.io/
- Diamond Hands 💎🤲
- Metamask - Wallet
- its weird: No Apis, No Infinte Loops( which is why gas is important). Difficult to update. Gotta be very secure. No Randomness.
- Its like a mechanic designing an engine and having nightmares about low mileage.
- Also you can't store a lot data on it
- Its like Legos: But infinitely better and complex
- No trust
- Always live
- Can make you very very very rich
- Comparable to Java Virtual Machine(JVM)
- Solidity Code <-> EVM Compatible Bytecode <-> Assembly Code.
- Designed for Smart Contracts. Not Applications.
- https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/evm/
- https://cryptozombies.io/
- https://youtu.be/gyMwXuJrbJQ - More than enough
- https://noxx.substack.com/p/evm-deep-dives-the-path-to-shadowy