CS 122B Project 1 Star example
This example shows a basic Java Servlet that shows a star list page.
To import this example to Eclipse:
- Make sure you finish all the setup steps in project 1 description.
- clone this repository using
git clone https://github.com/UCI-Chenli-teaching/project1-star-example.git
- open Eclipse -> File -> import -> under "Maven" -> "Existing Maven Projects" -> Click "Finish".
- For "Root Directory", click "Browse" and select this repository's folder. Click "Finish".
- In "Java Resources" folder, open
src->(default package)->StarServlet.java
. Change the mysql username and password and make sure you have themoviedb
To Run this example
- If you want to run it on your local machine, make sure tomcat and mysql are started, then just click "run" in Eclipse.
- If you want to generate a WAR file and deploy it through tomcat webpage, you can right click the project -> Export -> WAR file.
Brief Explanation
is a simple welcome page. Open the url localhost:8080/project1-star-example
, if the welcome text shows up, then means that you have successfully deployed the project.
is a Java servlet that talks to the database and get the stars data. It generates the HTML strings and write it to response. Open the url localhost:8080/project1-star-example/stars
to see the page generated by this Servlet.