
Repo to reproduce https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/20379

Prisma Issue #20379

Prisma will silently DROP CASCADE without warning when running prisma migrate reset, causing objects in schemas not specified to Prisma to be dropped.

The DATABASE_URL environment variable specifies the schema to connect to as app. Prisma will correctly create all new tables there. However, there are materialized views dependent on those schemas which are in the public schema. Prisma is only configured to use the app schema, but will delete dependent objects in the public schema silently and without warning.

While not necessarily a bug, it is definitely a potential pitfall to users who are attempting to add Prisma to an existing project.


Requirements: Node, npm, and Docker. Versions shouldn't particularly matter, but it was tested on Node v20.5.1, npm v9.8.0, and Docker v24.0.2. Prisma version is specified in package.json

  1. Run npm install to install dependencies
  2. Run docker compose up -d to start a new Postgres database. It is configured to use the DATABASE_URL already specified in .env
  3. Run npx prisma migrate reset to initialize the database schema
  4. Run the script found in seed-data-and-create-mv.sql to add some example data to the newly created tables, and add a materialized view user_posts dependent on that data. Notably, the materialized view is in the public schema, not the app schema as specified in the DATABASE_URL
  5. Run npx prisma migrate reset
  6. Observe that the materialized view user_posts has been deleted