
Platform for running WCA competitions and sharing live results with the world

Primary LanguageElixir

WCA Live

Platform for running WCA competitions and sharing live results with the world.

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Welcome to the WCA Live repository! Here you can find all the source code that helps to run hundreds of official WCA competitions a year. Check out the About page for more background information on where and how this platform is used.

The app is focused on the administrative side of competitions (round management, entering results, calculating ranking, proceeding competitors from round to round), as well as the presentation side (displaying round rankings, records, podiums, real-time updates as results get entered).


Briefly speaking, WCA Live is a WCA-integrated application composed of a web client and a GraphQL API server with a relational database behind. Let's break it down.

WCA Integration

First of all we use OAuth2 offered by the WCA website, so that users authenticate with their existing WCA accounts. This plays an important role when it comes to granting users access to administrative competition tasks, as we can check if the given user is a delegate, organizer or another staff member at the given competition.

Now to the crucial integration element - data synchronization. At the WCA we developed a standardized format for exchanging competition data between tools/systems, it's called WCIF (WCA Competition Interchange Format) and defines a huge JSON object that contains all relevant competition information (events, rounds, schedule, competitors, results, etc.). The idea behind it is to have a well defined data format and empower developers to build tools working with this data (more on that in the vision document). The WCA website offers endpoints for fetching and saving data in this format and that's exactly what WCA Live uses. When a delegate/organizer imports a competition into the app, we fetch WCIF data for this competition and save all of it into the database. Later, competition admins can trigger synchronization, which works both ways: gets new data from the WCA website saving changes to the local database, and also sends local changes (like results) to the WCA website. Think of the WCA website as the source of truth that many tools read from and save data to. Thanks to this approach delegates/organizers don't have to enter redundant competition information into WCA Live and can also use/build additional tools to help them run their competitions.


The server exposes a GraphQL API allowing the client to fetch the necessary subset of data and subscribe to real-time updates. It is also responsible for authenticating users with WCA OAuth and generating PDFs. Under the hood it often makes requests to the WCA API in order to fetch/save WCIF data, to get regional records or to list competitions that the current user may import. It also uses a relational database as a primary source of data.


The app uses a PostgreSQL database. A bunch of information comes from the WCA website and is fetched during competition import. We get the data in a heavily nested WCIF format and we decompose it into relevant tables. Some objects are an inherent part of their parent object, in which case we just store them in a JSON column (for example time limit, cutoff and advancement condition in the rounds table).


The client is a web application built with React. It talks to the server via the GraphQL API. It uses the Apollo library that provides a number of valuable features, from basic ones like React hooks for querying/mutating data, to more sophisticated ones like configurable cache with clever updates.


You need to install Elixir, Node.js, PostgreSQL, as well as wkhtmltopdf. Then:

# Fetch dependencies and create the database
mix dev.setup

# Start the app
mix phx.server

# Run tests
mix test

If you're not familiar with Elixir or want a more automated setup, you can use Docker instead.

Developing in Docker

Assuming you have Docker and Docker Compose installed, you can start all parts of the application by running:

docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up

This starts the client (on port 3000), the server (on port 4000) and the database. Make sure those ports are free on your machine, so that Docker can bind the relevant services to them. Running it for the first time builds the docker images and installs all dependencies, so it may take a while. Subsequent runs should be relatively quick.

Once everything is up and running you should be able to access the app at localhost:3000.

Having the containers running you can easily execute custom commands inside them, just as you'd do on your machine. A few examples:

# Executing commands in running containers takes the following form:
docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml exec SERVICE COMMAND

# Run server tests
docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml exec app mix test

# Run client tests
docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml exec app npm test --prefix client

# Run the interactive Elixir shell with all the application modules loaded
docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml exec app iex -S mix

# Run the database shell
docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml exec database psql -U postgres wca_live_dev

OAuth during development

In the development environment, instead of interacting with the real WCA server we talk to the staging server. It's similar to the production one, but used for testing purposes. Inparticular there is no sensitive data and every user has the password of wca, so you can sign in as whoever you want.

To have a competition to work on, find an upcoming one with some registered competitors, then sign in as one of the delegates/organizers and import the competition under My competitions.