
A Live-Coded Cover of 'Wurlitzer' by Chris Staples

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Live coding a reproduction of Chris Staples 'Wurlitzer' Starts with sequence buffers. Then instruments. Then instrument triggers. Inspired by overtone examples. Attempts to be literate coding.


Intended to be sequentially executed using a repl. I recorded and performed this piece using LightTable which is a very pleasant clojure IDE. Go to src/core.clj, then start evaling! First eval is slow while clojure gathers dependencies and overtone starts up.


Drum samples in this song come from freesound.org. They recently released the second version of their API, which hasn't been seamlessly integrated into overtone. It takes a bit of work to get it up and running.

See this git issue for details on the current patch/workaround. It's not pretty. But it does work if you play with it.

The sample .wav files should be cached in the repo to save you the hassle.