This is a boilerplate for small JavaScript utility library (like lodash) with typescript and microbundle. example folder has various demo.
- Basic Code in src folder
- publish over npm
- Type definition should be included in the project dist.
- src, example and other folder should not be part of npm package.
- UMD build with browser with direct script tag is working.
Browser env with Parcel + TypeScript
- import { calRectangleArea } from 'my-ts-mathlib' should work.
- import calRectangleArea from 'my-ts-mathlib/es/calRectangleArea' should work.
- Vscode should show error if we send incorrect data to function.
- npm run start should fail on providing incorrect type.
- npm run build should fail on providing incorrect type.
- calCircleArea should not be included in bundle
Browser env with CRA + TypeScript
- import { calRectangleArea } from 'my-ts-mathlib' should work.
- import calRectangleArea from 'my-ts-mathlib/es/calRectangleArea' should work.
- Vscode should show error if we send incorrect data to function.
- npm run start should fail on providing incorrect type.
- npm run build should fail on providing incorrect type.
- calCircleArea should not be included in bundle
ES Module
- working demo for Script type="module"
- import { calSquareArea } from './node_modules/my-ts-mathlib/dist/index.module.js'; should be working
- import calSquareArea from './node_modules/my-ts-mathlib/dist/es/calSquareArea.js'; should be working
CommonJS - Node
- var { calRectangleArea } = require('my-ts-mathlib') should work
- var calRectangleArea = require('my-ts-mathlib/es/calRectangleArea') should work
Node - TypeScript
- import { calRectangleArea } from 'my-ts-mathlib' should work.
- import calRectangleArea from 'my-ts-mathlib/es/calRectangleArea' should work.
- Vscode should show error if we send incorrect data to function.
- npm run start should fail on providing incorrect type.
CodeSandbox Demo
- use the package it in code-sandbox
CRA TypeScript App
- package should work in CRA TypeScript App
Test Cases
- 100% CodeCoverage
- CircleCI build should run test cases.
Pull Request
- When somebody generate pull request, pull request should show test results.
Documentation over gh-pages
- Auto generate documentation like lodash.