
Music Album Style Image Quoting with Transformers

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Music Album Style Image Quoting with Transformers

This reporitory contains a TensorFlow implementation of Transformers for music albums captioning. This model is more of a demonstaration so it has few parameters and is trained for only 10 epochs.


Model is trained on 330k music albums images and their captions (artist's & album's names concatenated with adding SEP token) parsed from the web. In the future, after tidying the data it will be published. Captions were tokenized with Youtokentome BPE tokenizer.


As a feature extractor and encoder ImageNet pretrained MobileNetV2 is used. Encoder maps raw image into a sequence of 49 tokens (each token is encoded with 128-dimensional vector). Last layer adds positional encoding for processing in the transformer decoder. As a decoder part classic Transformer decoder with self-attention is used. Trained models are attached and may be loaded from the checkpoints file.

Captioning OOS Music Albums Covers:

Album 1

Album 2

Album 3

Album 4

Captioning Arbitary Images:

You can upload your own images to user_imgs folder and process them.

User Image 1

User Image 2

User Image 3