
Source Code Statistics Generator and Viewer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Source Code Statistics Generator and Viewer

Here we have a source code statistics generator and web viewer. A list of project maintained in git VCS can be looked into to generate some statistics. These statistics can then be viewed on browser when deployed in a webserver.


A demo is available at https://nsmgr8.github.io/git-stats-demo/#/.


  1. Linux or MacOS
  2. Python 3.6+ (https://www.python.org/)
  3. NodeJS 8+ (https://nodejs.org/en/)
  4. Yarn 1.6+ (https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/)
  5. git (https://git-scm.com)
  6. cloc (https://github.com/AlDanial/cloc)

Use your preferred installation method to install the above requirements.


Clone this repository to your machine, say in /var/www/git-stats.

$ git clone https://github.com/nsmgr8/git-stats.git /var/www/git-stats
$ cd /var/www/git-stats/ngapp
$ yarn
$ yarn build


The list of projects that it should generate statistics for are listed in config.ini file in the root of this project. That is, in this case /var/www/git-stats/config.ini. An example config.ini file is provided in that location. Copy that file and make changes as following:

$ cd /var/www/git-stats
$ cp config.ini.example config.ini
$ $EDITOR config.ini

There are two sections in the config file GLOBAL and REPOSITORIES.


In the global section we will configure some options that stats generator can use. Currently these are:

  • workdir: The working directory for the stats generator. In this folder, the stats generator will clone all the projects in repos folder and then store stats data in data folder. This data folder contains all stats per project in multiple JSON files. This data folder should also be served by the webserver at /data/.

  • detect_move: When generating lines count per author, by default the lines are counted by last commit info. If detect_mode is specified then it will try to find the original commit info for lines. It's a space separated project ids. Note that, this is an expensive operation. It can take weeks for big projects to get this data.

  • process_pool: By default, the generator uses multiprocesses as much as the number of CPUs available. If you'd like to decrease the process numbers, use this to specify how many processes you would like.


In this section, you need to provide the list of your projects that you want to get statistics for. Each project has an ID, and three URLs for clone, browse and website. ID and clone URL are required, browse and website URLs are optional. The format is as follows:

project_one =
    clone: ssh://url/to/clone/the/project/one
    web: http://url/to/browser/the/code/
    site: http://url/to/the/corresponding/website/say/deployment

Generate Statistics

Once the config.ini file is populated, run the generator to get all the statistics.

$ cd /var/www/git-stats
$ python3 -m gitstats -v

This will clone the projects to the workdir specified in the GLOBAL section of config.ini and start populating stats JSON files.

You may use a crontab entry to run this periodically to update the project stats.

Webserver Example (nginx)

Once the generation of JSON statistics files (python3 -m gitstats) and webpage build (yarn build) are done. One can configure nginx to serve the statistics viewer via nginx as follows.

Serve webpage build at / and json files root at /data/. That is,

location / {
    root /var/www/git-stats/ngapp/dist/ngapp;
    try_files $uri /index.html;

location /data/ {
    root /var/www/git-stats/workdir;

An example nginx config is provided in gitstats.nginx.conf file.


During development one can run the python test suite. To run the tests do the following:

$ cd path/to/git-stats
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ pytest --cov=gitstats -v gitstats/

To develop the web app do the following:

$ cd path/to/git-stats/ngapp
$ yarn start -o

This will build a dev version of the web application and open the page in default web browser at http://localhost:4200/. This is an angular application.

For feeding the data to the app you need to serve the workdir (configured in config.ini) folder at port 8000. Which can be done as:

$ cd path/to/git-stats/workdir
$ python3 -m http.server