
Common go library shared across sigstore services and clients

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

sigstore framework

Fuzzing Status CII Best Practices

sigstore/sigstore is a generic library / framework that is utilized by various other clients and projects including fulcio (webPKI), cosign (container and OCI signing tool) and tektoncd/chains (Supply Chain Security in Tekton Pipelines).

sigstore is a good candidate for anyone wanting to develop go based clients / systems and utilise existing go modules for common sigstore functionality.

This library currently provides:

  • A signing interface (support for ecdsa, ed25519, rsa, DSSE (in-toto))
  • OpenID Connect fulcio client code

The following KMS systems are available:

  • AWS Key Management Service
  • Azure Key Vault
  • HashiCorp Vault
  • Google Cloud Platform Key Management Service

For example code, look at the relevant test code for each main code file.


The fuzzing tests are within https://github.com/sigstore/sigstore/tree/main/test/fuzz


Should you discover any security issues, please refer to sigstores security process

For container signing, you want cosign