
A Linux exercise in IPC with D-Bus using C, Python, Java and PHP

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An exercise in IPC (interprocess communication) with D-Bus using C, Python, Java and PHP.

Walk through it step-by-step in Google Colab1

Uses GDBus from GLib for C, dasbus for Python, dbus-java for Java and pecl-dbus for PHP.

The implemented functionality is the same for all 4 languages, so you can choose only the one you want, or test everything and compare the results.


The server starts with reserving com.exmpl.v0001 address on the session bus (or system bus if launched with --system arg) and creating object /factory with three methods: Create, Destroy, StopService.

Calling Create with one of the four supported strings (Worker1, Worker2, Worker3, Worker4) dynamically creates another object called /Worker<N>/Instance<C>, where <N> is the worker type specified and <C> is a global counter that starts with 1 and increments every time Create is called again for this worker type.

The behavior of created objects based on their worker type is as follows:

  • Worker1 has 4 input floating-point properties N1, N2, N3, N4 and method Calc that populates output properties Summ and Diff with their sum (N1+N2+N3+N4) and difference (N1-N2-N3-N4) respectively.
  • Worker2 does the same thing as Worker1 except with an arbitrary number of elements contained in array property NS.
  • Worker3 has 3 input string properties S1, S2, S3 and method JoinEw that joins them into a single string Joined elementwise (all 1st characters, then all 2nd characters, etc), i.e. ABC, abc, 123 becomes Aa1Bb2Cc3 and eme, xp1, al becomes example1.
  • Worker4 does the same thing as Worker4 except with an arbitrary number of strings contained in array property SS.

Calling Destroy with an object name removes previously created object, and calling StopService shuts the server down.

The client requests from the server 4 instances of every worker type and populates their inputs as follows2:

  • Workers 1/2:
    • 1000.11, 100.11, 10.11, 1.11 for the 1st instance
    • 2000.11, 200.11, 20.11, 2.11 for the 2nd instance
    • 3000.11, 300.11, 30.11, 3.11 for the 3rd instance
    • 4000.11, 400.11, 40.11, 4.11 for the 4th instance
  • Workers 3/4:
    • eme, xp1, al for the 1st instance
    • eme, xp2, al for the 2nd instance
    • abcde, ABCDE, 12345 for the 3rd instance
    • pqrst, PQRST_tail, 67890 for the 4th instance

then calls their respective methods and prints the results as <object_name> <output>.

Unless called with --nostop arg, the client also shuts down the server with a call to StopService at the very end.

The output should look as follows:

/Worker1/Instance1 1111.44 888.78
/Worker1/Instance2 2222.44 1777.78
/Worker1/Instance3 3333.44 2666.78
/Worker1/Instance4 4444.44 3555.78
/Worker2/Instance1 1111.44 888.78
/Worker2/Instance2 2222.44 1777.78
/Worker2/Instance3 3333.44 2666.78
/Worker2/Instance4 4444.44 3555.78
/Worker3/Instance1 example1
/Worker3/Instance2 example2
/Worker3/Instance3 aA1bB2cC3dD4eE5
/Worker3/Instance4 pP6qQ7rR8sS9tT0_tail
/Worker4/Instance1 example1
/Worker4/Instance2 example2
/Worker4/Instance3 aA1bB2cC3dD4eE5
/Worker4/Instance4 pP6qQ7rR8sS9tT0_tail

where START and STOP lines are printed by the server, and the rest is printed by the client.

Overall, the described structure could be useful as a skeleton if you have a bunch of "calculators" that transform some inputs into some outputs, and you need to serve them to multiple clients simultaneously (so that every client can work with its own set of inputs). The code is written in a way that should be easily expandable from 4 to 20 or 50 (or even, say, 200) worker types.


If you're only interested in a specific language, feel free to skip the other parts.


sudo apt install make gcc libglib2.0-dev  # Debian family
sudo dnf install make gcc glib2-devel     # RHEL family
sudo pacman -S make gcc pkgconf glib2     # Arch family


sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-gi       # Debian family
sudo dnf install python3 python3-pip python3-gobject  # RHEL family
sudo pacman -S python python-pip python-gobject       # Arch family
pip install -U pip
pip install dasbus

Alternatively, please refer to dasbus library installation instructions.


sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk-headless maven  # Debian family
sudo dnf install java-11-openjdk-devel maven    # RHEL family
sudo pacman -S jdk11-openjdk maven              # Arch family

Any newer JDK version (as well as non-headless variants) should work too.

Alternatively, you can manually install the most recent version of Maven as instructed on its website.


Installing PHP:

sudo apt install php-dev php-cli  # Debian family
sudo dnf install php php-cli      # RHEL family
sudo pacman -S php                # Arch family

Building pecl-dbus as per instructions:

sudo apt install libdbus-1-dev  # Debian family
sudo dnf install dbus-libs      # RHEL family
sudo pacman -S dbus             # Arch family
cd <some_tmp_dir> && git clone https://github.com/derickr/pecl-dbus
cd <some_tmp_dir>/pecl-dbus && phpize && ./configure && make && make install

Alternatively, you can also use the included prebuilt version php-ext/dbus.so by copying it to where PHP expects extensions (can be found using php -i | grep extension_dir), but this would only work for the same version it was built with (PHP 7.4).


Everything below assumes that you have cloned this repo (or downloaded its files manually) and navigated to the top directory, e.g. like this:

git clone https://github.com/nsndp/dbus-example
cd dbus-example

You might also need to give executable permissions to every shell script inside, either manually or like this:

find . -type f -iname "*.sh" -exec chmod -v +x {} \;


For C, you can use prebuilt executables gserver and gclient or overwrite them with freshly compiled versions (with one caveat, see below) using:

make -C gdbus_server
make -C gdbus_client

For Java, the following commands will build jar files inside their respective directories and then place their copies named java-server.jar and java-client.jar to the top (so we can conveniently have everything at the same level):

cd java-server && mvn package && cd ..
cd java-client && mvn package && cd ..
cp java-server/target/java-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar java-server.jar
cp java-client/target/java-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar java-client.jar

Since Python and PHP are interpreted languages, no preparation is necessary for them, and their scripts are ready to be run as-is.

Alternatively, you can use the provided s_build.sh script that packages the same commands like this:

./s_build.sh all               # build everything
./s_build.sh c                 # or build only C server + client
./s_build.sh java client-only  # or build only Java client
./s_build.sh clean             # remove all results and intermediate files

Base usage

First, choose an appropriate command to launch an instance of the server:

./gserver                                         # C
python3 dasbus_server.py                          # Python
java -cp java-server.jar com.exmpl.server.Server  # Java
php -d extension=dbus.so -f pecldbus_server.php   # PHP

Since the server will need to keep running, you can either:

  • run the command as-is, leave the current terminal window open, and start another terminal window for the client (works for a GUI environment);
  • run the command with & appended to send it to the background (but still keep it tied to the current terminal and see its output printed);
  • run the command with nohup prepended and & appended to detach it from the current terminal (then use ps to keep track of it and pkill to manually stop it if necessary).

Second, choose a command to launch an instance of the client:

./gclient                                         # C
python3 dasbus_client.py                          # Python
java -cp java-client.jar com.exmpl.client.Client  # Java
php -d extension=dbus.so -f pecldbus_client.php   # PHP

By default, both work with D-Bus session bus. To use the system bus instead, enable the necessary permissions by copying com.exmpl.v0001.conf to /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d3, then use the --system flag at launch:

./gserver --system &
./gclient --system

If you're running a container or some very minimal Linux setup, you might also need to launch D-Bus service manually. For session bus, that would be:

export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(dbus-daemon --session --fork --print-address)

Or if you have dbus-x11 package installed:

export $(dbus-launch)

For system bus, the process is more distro-specific, but often the following 2 lines should be enough4:

mkdir -p /var/run/dbus
dbus-daemon --system

Alternatively, you can use the provided s_run.sh script to automate all of the above like this:

./s_run.sh               # run C server and C client (default)
./s_run.sh c c           # same as the above
./s_run.sh py py         # run Python server and Python client
./s_run.sh java php      # run Java server and PHP client
./s_run.sh php java      # run PHP server and Java client
./s_run.sh c c --system  # run C server and C client on system bus

You can launch any combination of server/client implementations on either bus and confirm that it prints the same results.

Multiple clients

The script named s_run_multi.sh does the same thing as s_run.sh, except you can specify multiple client instances (separated by + sign) that will be launched in parallel and interact with the same server simultaneously:

./s_run_multi.sh c c+c+py+php

The output should look like:

[CLIENT 1] /Worker1/Instance1 1111.44 888.78
[CLIENT 4] /Worker1/Instance2 1111.44 888.78
[CLIENT 1] /Worker1/Instance3 2222.44 1777.78
[CLIENT 4] /Worker1/Instance4 2222.44 1777.78
[CLIENT 1] /Worker1/Instance5 3333.44 2666.78
[CLIENT 3] /Worker1/Instance7 1111.44 888.78
[CLIENT 4] /Worker1/Instance6 3333.44 2666.78
[CLIENT 3] /Worker1/Instance9 2222.44 1777.78
[CLIENT 1] /Worker1/Instance8 4444.44 3555.78
[CLIENT 2] /Worker4/Instance13 example1
[CLIENT 2] /Worker4/Instance14 example2
[CLIENT 2] /Worker4/Instance15 aA1bB2cC3dD4eE5
[CLIENT 2] /Worker4/Instance16 pP6qQ7rR8sS9tT0_tail
dbus-daemon killed (pid 44128)

where [CLIENT <1-based index in the provided sequence>] is prepended to each instance's output, allowing to confirm that

  • all clients receive correct results without interfering with each other;
  • dynamical creation of D-Bus objects <WorkerN/InstanceI> works as expected;
  • implementation in C is the fastest, usually followed by PHP, then Python, then Java.

Docker and TCP

File docker/docker-compose.yml defines 6 containers (or services, to use Docker Compose terminology), 2 for building and 4 for running:

Service name Container name Image size Main packages / libraries installed
dbus-c-dev DBUS_C_DEV 241 MB gcc, make, libc-dev, glib-dev
dbus-java-dev DBUS_JAVA_DEV 276 MB openjdk11-jdk, maven
dbus-c DBUS_C 18 MB glib
dbus-py DBUS_PY 89 MB python3, py-pip, py3-gobject3, dasbus
dbus-java DBUS_JAVA 183 MB openjdk11-jre-headless
dbus-php DBUS_PHP 114 MB php7-dev, php-cli

Once you have Docker Engine + Docker Compose plugin installed and navigated to <where you cloned this repo>/docker dir, you can:

  1. Build server+client in C (this should give the same result as running ./s_build.sh c locally):
docker-compose up -d --build dbus-c-dev
docker exec DBUS_C_DEV ./s_build.sh c
docker cp DBUS_C_DEV:home/gserver ../
docker cp DBUS_C_DEV:home/gclient ../
docker-compose down
  1. Build server+client in Java (this should give the same result as running ./s_build.sh java locally):
docker-compose up -d --build dbus-java-dev
docker exec DBUS_JAVA_DEV ./s_build.sh java
docker cp DBUS_JAVA_DEV:home/java-server.jar ../
docker cp DBUS_JAVA_DEV:home/java-client.jar ../
docker-compose down
  1. Run server/client pairs inside their respective containers using the same s_run.sh / s_run_multi.sh scripts5:
docker-compose up -d --build dbus-c dbus-py dbus-java dbus-php
docker exec DBUS_C ./s_run[_multi].sh c c[+c+c...] [--system]
docker exec DBUS_PY ./s_run[_multi].sh py py[+py+py...] [--system]
docker exec DBUS_JAVA ./s_run[_multi].sh java java[+java+java...] [--system]
docker exec DBUS_PHP ./s_run[_multi].sh php php[+php+php...] [--system]
docker-compose down
  1. Make clients communicate with servers from different containers over TCP, e.g. like:
docker-compose up -d --build dbus-c dbus-py dbus-java dbus-php
docker exec DBUS_C    ./start.sh server                     # run session bus server in cont.1
docker exec DBUS_PY   ./start.sh client dbus-c              # make client from cont.2 talk to it
docker exec DBUS_JAVA ./start.sh server --system            # run system bus server in cont.3
docker exec DBUS_PHP  ./start.sh client dbus-java --system  # make client from cont.4 talk to it
docker-compose down

Backwards compatibility

Note that building C/C++ binaries on Linux have this annoying thing where you immediately lose any backward compatibility depending on the build machine's version of glibc (can be checked with ldd --version). E.g. if you compile against glibc 2.35, then it won't work on anything below that, even if the actual sources are entirely compatible with glibc that's 20 versions earlier. The canonical Linux answer to that is "just tell them to build from the source", but if your software is closed-source or if you want to distribute workable executables for some other reason, then the next easiest solution is to set up an outdated virtual environment specifically for building.

The included files gserver and gclient were built with this in mind against glibc 2.13 inside a Docker container running Debian 7 (FROM --platform=amd64 debian/eol:wheezy RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install make gcc libglib2.0-dev), which should make them runnable on anything from 2011 onwards. For other potential workarounds see here.


  1. Because why use Colab only for machine learning when you can use it as a free interactive cloud-hosted Linux environment too.

  2. These are, of course, purely test-oriented inputs; the exercise is more about creating working examples for different environments than coming up with plausible real-world scenario.

  3. Might be /etc/dbus-1/system.d instead for older D-Bus versions. For more on system permissions see here.

  4. See script s_bus.sh for more info on manually starting system bus.

  5. You can also always start an interactive session with any running container using docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash or docker-compose <service_name> /bin/bash and then issue the same commands (or just walk around the container in general).