Primary LanguageC


  • Implementation of SAMPL
  • Each entity in the network has their own working directory.
  • Within each directory of the Entitiy is their own main.c that contains their logic. There is a Makefile to compile them.

Quick Start

Set up the environment and build the project

  • In the root directory
mkdir obj
cd lib && make
cd ..
cp db/test-full32.db test.db
  • Two sample databases have been provided for testing. One contains batches composed of exactly one merkle tree. The other is for non full batches, to show the verification process when a surveillance period requires data that is not does not encompass a full merkle tree.
  • The sample database includes 8 users, with 5 days worth of data. There are 32 entries of data, creating one merkle tree , and each data size is 10 bytes, to keep the size of the database file small.
cd dbstarter
{ optional: alter names.txt }
./dbstarter --user
./dbstarter --data { # now of days of survaillance } { Size of each data entry }

  • copy the generated database to the base directory to use

  • Make sure the SR__names.txt file the Law entity reads is the same as names.txt that was used to generate the database. If nothing was touched, it should be set

  • Before Running, if testing with ethereum, make sure ethereum is running.

  • Currently, tests are configured to simulate by running on a local machine, so ethereum will also be running on a local machine. To get ethereum up and running:

cd eth/
  • Now ethereum is running on the local machine, one ethereum node for each entity in the network.
  • Now run test scenarion on the local machine
./run.sh { # of people under survaillance } { # of days of survaillance } {
offset of people to run same tests with different subset of people }
  • The Enforcer entity logs show the result of the zero knowledge proof verification.