
Hukum is a card game invented (I think) in India. It appears to only be played it Northern Karnataka, where my family is from. I'm not sure how or when it started, but my family has been playing it for the past 100 years at least.

I have implemented a playable web version of the game made, available at

The codebase for the game is made up of the following components:

  • hukum-engine: An Elixir application that handles all the logic of the game. It receives incoming actions, such as a player passing or calling, or playing a card, and decides what to do next, returning a new game state at each step. This will be well-documented soon, because we need a master account somewhere of all the rules of Hukum!
  • hukum-socket-api: This is a Phoenix app that establishes websocket connections between players, sends their actions to hukum-engine and broadcasts the new state at each step.
  • hukum-elm-client: A frontend for the websocket server, written in Elm.


Here's what the web version looks like.

This is the lobby.

hukum lobby

This is a game.

hukum in-game

Running locally

To run the game locally, you may do the following:

  1. Clone hukum-elm-client and hukum-socket-api
  2. In the hukum-socket-api directory, run mix deps.get and then mix phx.server
  3. In the hukum-elm-client directory, run elm-app start
  4. Visit localhost:3000

Note that you will need 4 players to start a game.