
Alternative to DVC using make and git-lfs

Primary LanguagePython



You need make and git-lfs installed. Most Unix like environment come with make in the box. To install git-lfs see below.


brew install git-lfs


curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/github/git-lfs/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
apt install git-lfs


Follow the installation instructions in the official wiki https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/wiki/Installation


To create the virtualenv make virtualenv

Data and models

Data and models are tracked and versioned through git-lfs. At the moment .jsonl, .csv and .pkl files are tracked. You can see a list in .git-attributes

You can track additional files by running git lfs track "*.ext" with the ext you want.

No need to do anything additional for tracking and version data and models other than following your git flow. Whenever you run a push or pull command git will sync the data and models separately and when you checkout, reset etc it will retrieve the version in the same way that retrieves the version of the source files.


For reproducibility we use make and we define helper functions to ease development. Current commands

  • preprocess
  • train

Those commands create outputs that have dependencies which you define, at the moment the source and data files. This is simialr to DVC dependencies with the difference that make checks the timestamp of those files for changes instead of a hash.

Data source

Initially downloaded by running curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/t-davidson/hate-speech-and-offensive-language/master/data/labeled_data.csv --output data/data.csv